Non-Profit Organisations Compliance Status

The public is strongly advised to engage only with NPOs that are in good standing.

Updated on Tuesday 31st December, 2024


21ST Century Global Education & Learners LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalNew JuabengEasternTo promote 21st Century mind and body skills based on a 7-C global framework. To analyze performance needs,creative professional develpoment and training solutions based on the stakeholders mission,visions,goals and objectives.12/01/202411/01/2025
3 Bridges InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku Krowor MunicipalGreater AccraTo Bridge Between the Chinese Culture with Africa through Teaching Chinese Language and Musical instruments.12/01/202411/01/2025
Aban Center for Global PolicyHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo provide a plateform for youth to share their ideas,engage in dialogue and collaborative solutions to challenges facing the youth.15/03/202414/03/2025
Abibiman FoundationEducation/Community DevelopmentNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation, Women & Children Affairs, Advocacy/Research and Environmental Protection.15/03/202414/03/2025
Above & Beyond EventsHumanitarian BasedNationalTemaGreater AccraTo promote Youth sports. To promote entertainments and events25/03/202424/03/2025
ACE CONSULTHumanitarian BasedNATIONALASOKWA MUNICIPALASHANTITo provide educational and library services and organise programs for community development03/11/202302/11/2024
Adingelah FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTarkwa NsuaemWesternTo provide support for the needy people in society, provide support for orphans,children and women in society, provide counseling services15/03/202414/03/2025
Adjar Cancer Support GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalHo WestVoltaProviding financial assistance for the basic life need of families facing cancer. Providing emergency supplemental foor patients during cancer treatment.25/03/202424/03/2025
Adolescent Friendly & Peer Educators OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalLower Manya Krobo MunicipalEasternEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
Adom Foundation GhanaEducational BasedNationalAdentaGreater AccraEducation12/01/202411/01/2025
Africa Breaking AcademyHumanitarian BasedNATIONALAYAWASO WEST MUNICIPALGREATER ACCRADance sport, Art of breaking, hip hop and event organizing15/03/202414/03/2025
Africa Center for Well-Being Research and AdvocacyEducational/Health BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo conduct basic social science and public health research. Leverage research endings to design behaviour change and public health international program. To provide training to individuals and groups to enhance their research compentence and capacity15/03/202414/03/2025
Africa Centre For Energy PolicyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa EastGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research15/11/202314/11/2024
Africa Energy Technology CentreNationalAdentanGreater Accra25/03/202424/03/2025
Africa Medical Relief FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraHealth15/03/202414/03/2025
Africa Transitional Justice Legacy FundHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraTo Provide Funds and Technical Assistance to Smaller Communities.15/03/202414/03/2025
African Disability InstituteHumanitarian BasedNationalHo MunicipalVoltaDisability Issues15/03/202414/03/2025
African Trade ChamberHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraPromotion of Inter-African Trade between Africa and other Continents. Publish the Africa trade directory. Undertake research and advocacy on trade.25/03/202424/03/2025
African Voices InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalLa-Nkwantanang MunicipalGreater AccraTo promote democracy for freedom of humanity in Africa. To serve as an anchor for good governance in Africa. To promote nationalism empowerment of youth. To contribute towards development in Africa12/01/202411/01/2025
Afrihope MissionsHumanitarian BasedNationalSunyani WestBonoHealth/Population15/03/202414/03/2025
Air AmbulanceHealth basedNationalAdentaGreater AccraCoordinate and provide helicopters for emergy medical services25/03/202424/03/2025
Akosombo River View Land and Island Property Owners AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo undertake environmenttal and sustainable development along the Volta Lake where properties have been acquired25/03/202424/03/2025
Akuapem Hills Educational Trust FundHumanitarian BasedCBOAkuapem North MunicipalEasternOrphans and Vulnerable Children15/03/2414/03/25
AKWAABA SPIRITUAL LIBERATION PILGRIMAGEHumanitarian BasedNATIONALYilo Krobo MunicipalEASTERNWe are servants of God, inspiriing humanity, peaceful co-existence and care for the earth. We study , practice and teach spiritaul wisdom, re-awakening respect for all,regardless of age,gender,religion or culture background, being instruments of transformation,we encourage self-realization,thinking more positively and holistic well-being, to uphold universal divine virtues of God in order to experience total liberation in life from bondage through various social service programs,workshops,seminars,education,meditation and retreats13/10/202312/10/2024
Akyeampong Research and Development ConsultHumanitarian BasedNationalAkuapem SouthEasternConsultancy Services in Education and social development. Traning in research mythology and analytical report writing15/03/202414/03/2025
Aldiaa SocietyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development15/03/202414/03/2025
Al-Irshad Al-Khairiya AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokore Mampong MunicipalAshantiTo help promote Islamic values in Ghanaian Muslim communities. To help establish school in communities. To help the poor and needy in society.12/01/202411/01/2025
All Smile Together FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAbuakwa North MunicipalEasternTo Provide, Motivate and Support Education and Skills Training of Disadvantaged Youth Children and Women.15/03/2014/03/2025
AL-Rayan Charitable FoundationHumanitarian basedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo provide humanitarian and charitable services for the needy.25/03/202424/03/2025
Al-Sidiq Organisation for Humanitarian ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalKwabre EastAshantiTo educate and help the needy by building schools and Mosquues. To increase the rate of literacy. To provide safe and portable water in the rural areas15/03/202414/03/2025
AM FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo provide financial assistance to students who need it to pay for tuition fees,books and other expenses. To provide tutoting and other acedmic support for students who need it. To provide mentorship and other support to students who need it to succeed in schools and beyond.12/01/202411/01/2025
Aminu Initiative GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraTo help the needy in society28/03/202427/03/2025
Amnesty International – GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAwayaso EastGreater AccraHuman Rights12/1/202411/01/2025
Amosdo Foundation LGBHumanitarian/Community Development BasedNationalGomao EastGreater AccraLegal aid to help the poor. To help agricultural development. To help police fight against crime. To develop urban and rural communities. To help build schools,Hospital and water boreholes in the communities.12/01/202411/01/2025
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT GHANA)Humanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraWater & Sanitation25/03/20244/03/2025
Anderson Foundation For Special needsHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraProviding help to less privileged communities, provide support for the needy through donations25/03/202424/03/2025
Angel Gabriel FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsunafo SouthAhafoTo assist the undeprivileged through education, healthcare and vocational training services.15/03/202414/03/2025
Anidaso FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalTema WestGreater AccraTo support brilliant but needy students. To support widows and widowers. To support the vulnerable in society25/03/202424/03/2025
Annobea FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo promote education,sanitation,health and water development. Environmental protection. Vocational training. Helping the poor and vulnerable in Pokrom,Ahodwo,Aburi and neigbouring communities15/03/202414/03/2025
Antonious Wilhelm Amo Afer Family FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNzema EastWesternTo protect, honour, defend and promote the legacy and heritage of Antonius Wilhelm Amo after the Philosopher15/03/202414/03/2025
Aquahealth Crew FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAccra MetroplitanGreater AccraProvision of portable water to low income communities15/03/202414/03/2025
Ark Development OrganizationHealth/Humanitarian BasedRegionalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternHealth/Population25/03/202424/03/2025
Art of Living Trust LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalKorley KloteGreater AccraEducation and self develop programs and tools that elimininate stress and foster profound inner peace12/01/202411/01/2025
Askia Educational FoundationHumanitarian basedOffinso NorthAshantiSupporting the education of children25/03/202424/03/2025
Assurance of Hope for the NeedyEducational BasedRegionalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraVocational Training25/03/202424/03/2025
Audible Life Stream FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLambussieUpper WestTo train the youth in sustainable Agricultural practices, engage in network farming,maintain demostration farms for training,develop agricultural training videos12/01/202411/01/2025
Autism Compassion AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast SouthCentralRaise Awareness about Autism.15/03/202414/03/2025
Awula FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraTo provide underprivileged children with a well-rounded education. To provide valuable and life changing mentorship to underprivileged children. Providing benevolent assistance to women.15/03/202414/03/2025
Ayawaso Muslims Development FundHumanitarian BasedAyawaso EastGreater AccraTo promote socio-economic development of Muslims within the Ayawaso District. To creat a plateform for discussion among Chiefs, Imams and opinion leaders with the community12/01/202411/01/2025
Azar Charity GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalOforikrom MunicipalAshantiCharity works, to provide philanthropic assistance to marginalized communities25/03/202424/03/2025
B.K.Q. FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffutu MunicipalCentralSocial Development and Advocacy, Education support and Health care15/03/202414/03/2025
Baobab Africa SyndicateHumanitarian BasedInternationalKlottey-KorleGreater AccraTo cordinate technological exchanges among urban and rural social movements in Africa and the Global South in the areas of production, processing, infrastructure, development, commerce, finance, education and increasing sovereignty and improving living conditions.25/03/202424/03/2025
Beacon FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTechimanBono EastSeeking for the welfare of members, helping the needy, helping members to secure financial support25/03/202424/03/2025
BEAUTY ANDREWS FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALTEMA WESTGREATER ACCRATo build networking and stakeholder collaboration with individuals, local institutions, international donor institutions and philantropic organizations to provide care12/01/202411/01/2025
Bestcare Humanitarian Aid FoundationEducational BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraEducation25/03/202424/03/2025
Big OpportunityHumanitarian/Community development BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraTo offer voluntary services for the needy in the community,community development25/03/202424/03/2025
Blessworld FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTraining In ICT15/03/202414/03/2025
Bountiful Children’s FoundationalHumanitarian BasedInternationalGomoa EastCentralTo take care of Malnourished childre by assessing them and providing them with nutritional supplements. To provide educational lessons to families to promote healthy nutrional practices.12/01/202411/01/2025
Brooks Dreams FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa-Nkwantanang MadinaGreater AccraSkill Development12/01/202411/01/2025
Buy Food With Plastic GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALCAPE COAST METROPOLITANCENTRAL REGIONInitiate events that unite people, raise awareness and provide solutions to urgent problems such as environmental pollution, hunger, educaton and poverty in countries all over the world15/03/202414/03/2025
CADMA AgrisolutionsHumanitarian BasedNationalHoVoltaTo promote Agriculture as a business through awareness creation, Advocacy capacity services for farmers in Africa15/03/202414/03/2025
Carlrossy Foundation LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the vulnerable and the needy in the society by providing basic amenities in Healthcare,Education, housing and food. Community development. Advocacy on Human Rights and good Governance12/01/202411/01/2025
Catholic Action For Street ChildrenHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekumah Sub-MetroGreater AccraEducation for steet children12/01/202411/01/2025
Catholic Relief ServicesHEALTH BASEDInternationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population19/01/20248/01/2025
Center For AchievementHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaEducation15/03/20244/03/2025
Centre for AbilitiesHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo help the poor and needy in Society12/01/202411/01/2025
Centre for Child DevelopmentEducational/Humanitarian BasedRegionalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastEducation and Street Children25/03/20244/03/2025
Centre for Migration And Africa DevelopmentHealth BasedNationalKintampo SouthBrong-AhafoDiabetes Screening, Counselling and Education15/03/20244/03/2025
Centre for Research and Develpoment Alternatives(CREDA)Humanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernReaserch, policy analysis, advocacy and development modelling12/01/202411/01/2025
Centre Point Youth ClubHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawasoGreater AccraTo offer support to the poor and needy. To help provide medical equipments to hospitals in need of equipments.25/03/202424/03/2025
Cerath Development OrganizationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraAgriculture15/03/20244/03/2025
Change INCA FoundationHealth/Humanitarian BasedInternationalAdentanGreater AccraCSR Consultancy and non profit consultancy comprehensive health screening and education support for abandoned babies, foster care, adoption service, medical negligence advocacy, reproductive health and exchange programs.25/03/202424/03/2025
Charity African MissionsFAITH BASEDNationalAccra Metropolitan AssemblyGreater AccraReligious Development15/03/202414/03/2025
Charity for Life Foundation LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo develop skills and support the poor in society financially12/01/202411/01/2025
CharityTrust AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo assist deprived individuals and communities in Africa with knowledge and materials resources to improve.15/03/202414/03/2025
Cherish a Child FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraTo Support Deprived Children to Achieve their Dreams.25/03/202424/03/2025
Christianborg Archaeological Heritage ProjectHumanitarian BasedInternationalLa Dade-KotoponGreater AccraHeritage research, education, management, preservation and conservation15/03/202414/03/2025
Christ’s Home of Hope Educational Centres FoundationEducational BasedCBOAdentanGreater AccraTo offer educational support to underprivileged children and families12/01/202411/1/2025
Cleopatra Community Health & Development OrganisationHealth/Humanitarian BasedInternationalAccraGreater AccraTo focus on public health while creating a better environment.15/03/202414/03/2025
CNB Non-Governmental OrganisationEducational BasedNationalAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
CNFA GhanaHumanitarian BasedNATIONALAYAWASO WEST MUNI.GREATER ACCRAFood and agriculture19/01/202418/01/2025
Community Desk InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraImprove the Quality of life of vulnerable group with in the Africa Region through the strategic application of contextualized, progressive and impactful evidence-based participatory approaches15/03/202414/03/2025
Community Learning InitiativeEducational BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo empower under privileged communities through education by providing access to quality learning opportunities and resources.25/03/202424/03/2025
Computer And Educational Material Support NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentral12/01/202411/01/2025
Cosmos Centre For Children’s With Special NeedsHumanitarianNationalDormaa Central Municipal AssemblyBonoChildren with special Needs15/03/202414/03/2025
Crusades For Christ InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternReligious Development15/03/202414/03/2025
Cure Childhood Cancer GhanaHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo provide support for the diagnosis. To treat and care for children and families affected by childhood cancer15/03/202414/03/2025
Cyber1 Defense Communication Charity AfricaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo provide opportunities for children and women to gain knowledge and skills necessary to pursue cyberscurity careers. To promote digital safety and security in safeguarding digital assets and protect themselves from cyber attacks.15/03/202414/03/2025
Darlings Christmas ChildFAITH BASEDNationalGa WestGreater AccraReligious Development12/01/202411/01/2025
Darlings InternationalHumanitarianNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraEducation,Health and Community Support15/03/202414/03/2025
Deaf Light GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo increase the confidence and capacity of deaf leaders to advocate for the rights and needs of the deaf community effectively. To foster more diverse and inclusive representation leadership roles within the deaf community, empowering leaders from different backhrounds and perspective.15/03/202414/03/2025
Diana For Christ FoundationFaith/Humanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo preach the Gospel of Christ. To organize Gospel events and tour, Gospel mi nistration. To help the needy15/03/202414/03/2025
Digital Africa Diaspora Development ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo advocate and promote Agri-Business and Agricultural related activities in the country with the hope of making the country an export dependent nation28/03/202427/03/2025
DivaloperEducational/ Humanotarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraYouth empowerment and development in ICT15/03/202414/03/2025
Divine Abilities FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKwadasoAshantiTo highlight the plight of vulnerable and needy people in our society. To solicit funds and donation to support the needy.25/03/202424/03/2025
Dream Child Foundation Africa Renaissance ProjectHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo use the culture of music to empower and support the African child. To use the culture of music to empower and support the African child.12/01/202411/01/2025
Drive to Inspire-AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraCharity works15/03/202414/03/2025
Duapa WerkspaceHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternBusiness development, software development, digital skill training programs to empower the society to gain employable skills, provision of co-working space to upcoming entrepreneurs.25/03/202424/03/2025
Early Graders NetworkEducational/Humanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraUndertake activities and programs to support and promote formal and informal education in Ghana. Work with local communities and stakeholders in education to deliver programs and activities to promote education; including special education and school health education15/03/202414/03/2025
Eastern Region Scrap Dealers Assocition(ERSDA)Humanitarian BasedNationalNew Juabeng SouthHelping Scrap Dealers in diverse ways25/03/202424/03/2025
EatSafe InternationalHumanitarian BaseNationalAdentanGreater AccraSeek to improve public health, food and nutritional security by addressing health, food safty and nutrition challenges in Ghana, Sub-Saharan Africa and other part of the globe, trhrough capacity development etc.25/03/202424/03/2025
Eatside Health FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo help build a future for the poor, orphans and vulnerable women and children through healthcare services28/03/202427/03/2025
Eco-ConsciousCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNATIONALLA DADEKOTOPONGGREATER ACCRATo have a clean healthy green and pleasant environment, protect open and green spaces, raise awareness and campaign on environmental issues15/03/202414/03/2025
Ecorelief FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraTo educate and train the youth in entrepreneurship, Health,climate change and leadership. To help create better conditions for humans within the environment12/01/202411/01/2025
Edugha OrganisationEducational/Community development BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernEducation, Community/Rural Development and Agriculture & Food Security.12/01/202411/01/2025
Edvic Love & Hope FoundationFaith/Humanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyiri municipalEasternTo preach the Gospel of Christ,Evangelism,crusading,helping the poor and needy in society,taking care of the spiritual, financial and welfare of members15/03/202414/03/2025
Elizabeth’s Girl Child Education in GhanaHumanitarian basedNationalEffutu MunicipalCentralTo sponser girl child education in Ghana25/03/202424/03/2025
En FarmersHumanitarian basedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo equip farmers with productivity enhancement activities, providing quality Agro-education to farmers, providing climate support activities to farming communities.25/03/202424/03/2025
Endurance Health OrganizationHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalNorth TonguVoltaTo prevent and control diseases including HIV/AIDS,TB and Malaria. Women and child Health, School Health and Education programmes skill training.15/03/202414/03/2025
Enny FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraProvides Interventions for Children with Special Needs.25/03/20244/03/2025
Enyidado na Asomdwee FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNzema EastWesternTo provide healthcare support services to society. To provide educational support services to society15/03/202414/03/2025
EODF in ActionHumanitarian basedNationalGa DistrictGreater AccraTo provide financial support to the needy but brilliant students and educational material/infrastructure to basic secondary educational institutions. To support and build the capacity of agricultural enterprises to empower the youth, women and localcommunities25/03/202424/03/2025
Evangel Fellowship International GhanaHumanitarian BasedCBOAdentanGreater AccraTraining and human capacity development programs. Resourcing for church and parachurch organization12/01/202411/1/2025
Evergreen Autism CentreHumanitarianNationalOforikrom MunicipalAshantiHealth(austism awareness)19/01/202418/01/2025
Ewuley FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo help the needy. To support needy students12/01/202411/01/2025
Fadin Gaskia for the NeedyEducational/ Humanotarian BasedNationalAsokore MampongAshantiTo help the less privileged in the society, media broadcasting for community base radio, organizing political seminars and educational adovacy15/03/202414/03/2025
Fant Global InitiativesHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalKintampo NorthBono EastTo help people in the society concerning health in general with interest in dental health,HIV/AIDS,Material and child reproductive health,health to margnalized,rejected and stigmatized and non communicable diseases.15/03/202414/03/2025
Firm Health GhanaHealth BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo help prevent kidney disases by education and early diagnosis thrugh periodic screening tests and freeHealthcare solutions15/03/202414/03/2025
FistradHumanitarian BasedNATIONALBUILSA NORTHUPPER EASTAwareness creation , poverty reduction and promotion of education19/01/202418/01/2025
Forever Aid FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraCharity Work.15/03/202414/03/2025
Franciscan Capuchin Friars GhanaHumanitarian/Educational BasedNationalNkwanta NorthOtiEducation For children. Promoting sanitation in communities. Evangelical and priestly activities.25/03/202424/03/2025
Freedom Islands Right & Social TransformationNationalKwahu Afram Plains NorthEasternTo promote social Justice, Human rights and sustainble development. To provide training in fish farming and other innovation ventures. To secure scholarship and other opportunities for the youth.25/03/202424/03/2025
Freedom Mission InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraAdvocacy against violence, supporting the poor and needy in society, liasing with local authorities in the combatof human trafficking & slavery15/03/202414/03/2025
Friends of Environment and Humanity
Humanitarian BasedRegionalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection12/01/202411/01/2025
Friends of our Vision LBGEducational BasedNationalOkaikwei NorthGreater AccraTo provide support for the needy but brilliant students from improverished communities in Ghana to complete their nursing programme12/01/202411/01/2025
Fulcrum for the needy InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo supoort women in need. To provide for children on the street. To support the widows in the society15/03/202414/03/2025
Full BloomHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraDistribution of menstral care kits to females who have reached puberty in rural Ghana15/03/202414/03/2025
Future Life For DisablesHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam MunicipalEasternTo help others strive12/01/202411/01/2025
Gender and Reproductive Health Advocacy Youth NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalHoVoltaAdvocacy and education on gender equality and sexual and reproductive health right.12/01/202411/01/2025
Genius Child’s Dream FoundationEducational/ Humanotarian BasedNationalUpper West AkimEasternTo provide proper care and quality education to the needy children15/03/202414/03/2025
Getup to Success Care CentreHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai-Osuduku DistrictGreater AccraTo Provide Development and future Community leaders who can contribute to Social Education.15/03/202414/03/2025
Ghana Charity Association for DevelopmentHumanitarian/Community development BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo support the needy. To construct schools for better education. To construct boreholes and mosques.28/03/202427/03/2025
Ghana Federation of Disability OrganisationsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOsu Klottey MunicpalGreater AccraAdvocate and Promote Right of Disabled Persons19/01/202418/01/2025
Ghana-West Africa Program To Combat AIDS-STI (WAPCAS)Humanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth/Population/HIV AIDS19/01/202418/01/2025
Give to Eat Missionary WorkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAgona West MunicipalCentralTo Provide Free Feeding Programmes for 300 School Children in Agona Nkum and to construct Free Pipe Borne Water.12/01/202411/01/2025
GivingNKRUMAH FOUNDATIONHumanitarian BasedNationalSekyere EastAshantiTo help uplift and empower the needy including orphans, widows, prisoners and brilliant but needy students. Help give alternative livelihood programs for the youth in prevention of illegal migration25/03/202424/03/2025
Gladys Asare’s FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Assist and Provide Financial Support o Deprived Persons in the Country.25/03/202424/03/2025
Glef FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalFanteakwa SouthEasternTo advocate,encourage and educate on easy accessibility and utilization of material and child health services. To promote,encourage and educate on community involvement in quailty material and child health in very less privileged communities15/03/202414/03/2025
Global African Heritage FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma SouthGreater AccraTo formulate and undertake national and Pan-African consciousness advocacy projects in order to enhance patriotism, Pan-Africanism,strong national and continental defence and promote traditional African Culture values.15/03/202414/03/2025
GLOBAL ASSISTANCEHumanitarian BasedNationalDenkyembourEasternwomen and children afairs, education and health, small scale enterprise development25/03/202424/03/2025
Global Young Ministers OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa-EastGreater AccraTo train young pastors into the ministry, Humanitarian service to the deprived in the rural and urban areas,conflict resolution and peace keeping advocacy around the world. Water and sanitation development in developing communities, public education on child labour, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.25/03/202424/03/2025
GNA DiasporaHeath/Humanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo reach out to the poor, less privileged through self services and sacifices by donating healthcare consumables, equipment to support the healthcare in Ghana25/03/202424/03/2025
Golden Chapter FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLedzekuku-KroworGreater AccraRecreational Activities for the Elderly.15/03/202414/03/2025
Good Shepherd Development OutreachHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalDenkyembour District AssemblyEasternTo Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children15/03/202414/03/2025
Gosanet FoundationHEALTH BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaHealth/Population, HIV/AIDS12/01/202411/01/2025
Great Hope Global FoundationHeath/Humanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo organize health programs. To assist the less privileged and deprived in the communities with social amenities. To give a helping hand to orphans25/03/202424/03/2025
Green Innovation for People and NatureHumanitarian BasedNationalEffutu MunicipalCentralAdvocacy for environmental sustainability, research on sustainable development goals, educational outreaches on the sustainable development goals.28/03/202427/03/2025
GrowthAidCommunity DevelopmentNationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraTo Provide Development Support to Communities.15/03/202414/03/2025
Guba FounationHumanitarian BasedAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the less priviledged in the society15/03/202414/03/2025
Guide My Future FoundationHumanitarian BasedSagnariguNorthernTo offer all inclusive transformation for people and disadvantaged communities by offering training,empowerment and exposure to life changing innovations.28/03/202427/03/2025
Gutta Sole FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraTo Increase tdhe Awareness of Preserving our Arts and Culture.15/03/202414/03/2025
Gyamfua Tabi Memorial FoundationEducational/Health BasedNationalAmansie SouthAshantiTo help the poor and needy in the society. To provide educational support to orphans in the community15/03/202414/03/2025
Harvest Hope InternationalHumanitarian BasedRegionalAkatsi SouthVoltaVulnerable Children25/03/202424/03/2025
Haven of Love Children’s FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBawku WestUpper EastTo become a leading foundation that helps deprived children to understand how much they have been loved by God and bring hope to the hopless in Ghana and beyond.25/03/202424/03/2025
Health Legion FoundationHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalTarkwa NsuaemWesternOffering of Health education to the society, organizing of health screaning for the society and health advocacy.15/03/202414/03/2025
Hearts For Ghana MissionEducational/Health BasedNationalNingo Prampram DistrictGreater AccraEducation & health12/01/202411/01/2025
Heaven House FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo assist the poor and needy in terms of fund15/03/202414/03/2025
Help Organise People’s Ease FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo provide a holistic transformation for the people and disadvantaged communities by offering training,empowerment and expose to life changing innovations28/03/202427/03/2025
Hereafter ProjectHumanitarian BasedNATIONALTAMALE METROPOLITANNORTHERNTo provide health support for communities and relief services for the needy25/03/202424/03/2025
Heritage And Cultural Society of AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo Help Under-Privileged Children19/01/202418/01/2025
Homes FountainHumanitarian BasedNationalAkatsi SouthVoltaTo advocate on child rights. To promote the welfare of the street child throgh education, such as training those on the street12/01/202411/01/2025
Hope for Channel GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKorle KlotteyGreater AccraTo produce and broadcast social development developmental and religious content25/03/202424/03/2025
Hope for Health GlobalHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo promote the health of people especially the needy and vulnerable. To support sustainable public health programs & services. Work with government health and private institutions&Ngos25/03/202424/03/2025
Hope For The Maginalized FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalBantamaAshantiTo Help The Needy in the Society.25/03/202424/03/2025
Human Service TrustHumanitarianNationalCape Coast Metro.CentralEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
I.T For Youth Ghana Foundation LGBEducational BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo provide free IT training courses. Graphic designing basic & graphic designing. Advance video editing & animation,social media marketing. Printing technology for the youth especially senior high school leavers who are unable to further their education and link them to job opportunities12/01/202411/01/2025
Interfaith for Christian Muslim Traditionalist of AfricaFiath/humanitarian basedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraUnification and understanding among the major religions to achieve lasting peace and unity for development our continent climate change, educational support, social intervention, humanitarian and religious dialogue among sister religion and ethnicity25/03/202424/03/2025
International Christian Co-operative MinistriesNationalAkwapim SouthEastern15/03/2024114/03/2025
Iqra Foundation for Educational and DevelopmentEDUCATION BASEDNationalBantamaAshantiEducation12/01/202411/01/2025
Irise GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalOkai-Koi SouthGreater AccraTo rise against slavery, exploitation, violence and abuse of children and women in society.15/03/202414/03/2025
Israel United FoundationCommunity development/Humanitarian BasedNationalKwadaso MunicipalAshantiTo help promote community development. To help the poor and the needy in the society28/03/202427/03/2025
Ja Worldwide GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestTo inspire and prepare young people to succed in a global economy.15/03/202414/03/2025
Jaksally Development OrganizationCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalBole DistrictSavannahYouth Development and Environmental Issues.15/03/202414/03/2025
Jaksally FngoNationalBoleSavannahTo provide financial assistance to the vulnerable in the society more specially women. To provide financial assistance to farmers.15/03/202414/03/2025
Jemimah Noonoo Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraStrive to obtain economic,social,physical and spiritual security for the families of Anoba through education and encouraging the development of self-sustaining communities in Ghana28/03/202427/03/2025
Jenx Youth Hub InternationalHumanitarian BasedNATIONALLEDZOKUKUGREATER ACCRASupport youth who are Homeless25/03/202424/03/2025
Jhpiego CorporationHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraHealth/Population12/1/202411/01/2025
Jia Community Development InitiativesHumaintarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernGirl Child Education, community water and sanitation, community health and nutrition, women empowerment on small scales business and agriculture.28/03/202427/03/2025
Joan SeyiHumanitarian BasedNationalTainBonoTo assist the underprivileged through education,healthcare and shelther25/03/202424/03/2025
Josephine Gabriel-A FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalAdentanGreater AccraTo support Teenage Girls in Education. To provide Educational Materials to students.15/03/202414/03/2025
Kasa Charity OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraTo cater for orphans, Destitutes and street children25/03/202424/03/2025
Khad-San AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraSpecial Education for Children with special needs and their parents25/03/202424/03/2025
Kidzhouse Media Productions FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraChild development advocacy, to create plateform/programmes to enable the children exhibit their talents and skills through play and learn(extra curricula activities)15/03/202414/03/2025
King of Harvest CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalMfantseman MunicipalCentralCatering, Dressmaking, Hairdress Councilling and Mentoring25/03/202424/03/2025
Knowledge Kinetics OrganisationHumanitarian BasedAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo assist corporate entities manage their organisation knowledge,to assist corporate bodies manage hazard.15/03/202414/03/2025
Kressner Handmaids of the Divine Redeemer OrphanageHumanitarian BasedRegionalGa West MunicipalGreater AccraRunning of Orphanage25/03/202424/03/2025
Lady Alhassan FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo provide help and raise money for those in need. To provide practical help for the homeless people. To render support to widows28/03/202427/03/2025
Lakside Disability Rights Advocacy InitiativeHumanitarianNationalDambai DistrictOTIDisability Advocacy and Empowerment .15/03/202414/03/2025
Larteh Cultural Centre and LibraryEducational/Humanitarian BasedNationalAkuapem NorthEasternEducational project, Teaching and supplying of stationary to the children,preservation of culture, improving reading among children.15/03/202414/03/2025
Lead For GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraTraining and Placement of Teachers .15/03/202414/03/2025
Leading-Edge Charitable Foundation LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalAskore MampongAshantiQuranic recitation. Workshop for Islamic scholars. Humanitarian service. Guiding and counseling.12/01/202411/01/2025
Link Community DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa South MunicipalGreater Accra25/03/202424/03/2025
Luminos Fund(Ghana)Humanitarian BasedNATIONALLA DADE KOTOPONGREATER ACCRATo oversee conduct and/or operate charity-related grant programs initiatives and activities in Ghana25/03/202424/03/2025
Maami Fitta FoundationHumanitarianNationalKomenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem MunicipalCentralEducation to Vulnerable Children15/03/202414/03/2025
Markdan Community Life FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalWeija GbaweGreater AccraTo assist the Orphans and needy children in society. To help the school drop outs learn trade their communities28/03/202427/03/2025
Mary YopooHumanitarian BasedCBOAdentanGreater AccraTo take care of the mentally challenged people and the street children12/01/202411/1/2025
Mawuvio’s Outreach ProgrammeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai OsudokuGreater AccraEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
Maxim Nyansa IT Solutions FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa WestGreater AccraClimate Change Activities12/01/202411/01/2025
Meadows of success foundationEducational BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo educate all children to the highest levels of academic achievement25/03/202424/03/2025
Media ResponseHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraHealth/Population15/03/202414/03/2025
Media Trust GhanaHumaintarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTraining of journalist, improving journalism standards in Ghana,organizing events for media practitioners, develping reports on the stat of the media in Ghana28/03/202427/03/2025
Mercy for Mankind FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternPoverty Alleiviation25/03/202424/03/2025
MGF Foundation LBGHumanitarian/Educational BasedNationalOkaikoi SouthTo provide financial and social support for the vulnerable in society, human empowerment, health focused initiatives, provide scholarship programs for brilliant but needy students.12/01/202411/01/2025
MIHOSO International (Mission of Hope)Health BasedNationalSunyani West DistrictBONOHealth Educational Talks15/03/202414/03/2025
Mission to Transform Lives InternationalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalNkoranza North DistrictBono EastSensitization of HIV/AIDS Prevalence, Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation Services.15/03/202414/03/2025
Molex Foundation Africa LBGHumanitarian basedNationalAburi Asebu KwamankeseCentralMentorship, life coaching and career guidance12/01/202411/01/2025
Mother Cares Orphanage & Welfare HomeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAgona west MunicipalCentralEducation, Vocational Training and Street Children15/03/202414/03/2025
Mothers Against Child Labour And Exploitation LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo provide collaborative and coordinated solutions to build,promote and protect the rights of children. To create a safe and supportive environment for childern and women. To provide counselling and psychological rehabilitation to children who have been sexually abused and exploited.12/01/202411/01/2025
Moving Health FoundationHealth BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide emergency Healthcare Ambulence to people in Rural Ghana15/03/202414/03/2025
Muslim Family Counselling ServicesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALASOKORE MAMPONGASHANTITo sensitized and educate community members on HIV/AIDS and productive issues, To provide skills training to the needy19/01/202418/01/2025
My Age My Help InternationalHealth BasedNationalAbuakwa North MunicipalEasternTo Provide Door to Door Health Services for the Aged in their Communities.15/03/202414/03/2025
Myo Global FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraTo help shape and build a desired future through shared responsibility.15/03/202414/03/2025
Naak Prestige Charity FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBosomtweAshantiTo seek the welfare of its members. To help the needy in the society15/03/202414/03/2025
Nature And Development FoundationHumanitarianNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Development15/03/202414/03/2025
New Song FoundationHumaintarian BasedNationaAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo empower and equip the next generation with excellence through exciting christian education, arts, athletic program.28/03/202427/03/2025
Non- Denominational Youth EmpowermentHumanitarian basedNationalAdentanGreater AccraHumanitarian services, Evangelism25/03/202424/03/2025
Nsuo Ye Nkwa FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalTems West MunicipalGreater AccraPublic Feminine Reproductive and Menstrual Health, Research and Education10/1/202411/01/2025
Olo Ghana AidHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo help the needy in the society15/03/202414/03/2025
Optimistic Nurses and Midwives GhanaHealth BasedNationalAwutu-SenyaCentralTo create opportunities for nurses and midwives to work overseas. Assist the aged nurses and midwives. To improve healthcare delivery to the remote areas/communities so as to help the sick who are in need of health delivery.15/03/202414/03/2025
Options Ghana FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAshiedu KetekeGreater AccraCaring for the poor and, rolling out social intervention for youth, working to achieve social justice, gender equality.25/03/202424/03/2025
Organization for Policy and Leadership DevelopmentHumanitarian basedNationalAdenta WestGreater AccraTo offer advocacy education and the promotion of reliable leadership and development practices through international policy persectives and diplomacy25/03/202424/03/2025
OYA^3 FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALSECONDI TAKORADI MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLYWESTERN REGIONCommunity and rural development, Educational and vocational skills19/01/202418/01/2025
Paajaf FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalWeija-Gbawe MunicipalGreater AccraYouth Development15/03/202414/03/2025
Paidia Evangelism MinistryFAITH BASEDNATIONALLa DadekotoponGREATER ACCRATo provide holistic doctrines to children for their spiritual growth, to fight for justice for abuse children, to partner parents to show them how they can bring up spirit filled children`19/01/202418/01/2025
PANKO YOUTH CENTERHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALSANGARIGU MUNICIPALNORTHERN REGIONTo provide a safe place and opportunities for less privileged children and young people to learn skills necessary to develop their full potential12/01/202411/01/2025
Partners In Participation DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBole DistrictSavannahEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
Partners in Rural Empowerment and DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedRegionalEast MamprusiNorthernServices to mankind and vaious communities.25/03/202424/03/2025
Pearl House GhanaHUMANITY BASEDNATIONALEffutu MunicipalCentralYouth Development25/03/202424/03/2025
Perfect Light FoundationHumanitarian BasedNATIONALACCRA METROPOLITANGREATER ACCRASupport the needy, the under privileged through education and healthcare and other sustainable means25/03/202424/03/2025
Perfect Peace FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokwa MunicalAshantiTo establish a school. To care for the needy.15/03/202414/03/2025
Pinnacle Health FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAsougyaman DistrictEasternHealth/Population12/01/202411/01/2025
Planned Parenthood Association of GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekumah CentralGreater AccraHealth/Population15/03/202414/03/2025
PMX Films FoundationEducational BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo train and empower young people in video production.15/03/202414/03/2025
Pond Foundation GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraSupporting Social and Environmental12/01/202411/01/2025
Pope Francis School and Health CentreHumanitarian BasedRegionalHo West MunicipalVoltaProvision of Formal Education to Needy and Vulnerable Children as well as taking care of their Health Needs in Accordance with Family Based System standard.25/03/202424/03/2025
Practical Education NetworkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraTraining of Science and Maths Teachers15/03/202414/03/2025
Princen Sammy Eduful And Herty FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALGa WestGREATER ACCRATo enhance the quality of life programs and services that empower the needy and vulnerable people by providing financial assistance , free prescription drug program and other basic needs19/01/202418/01/2025
Probono Legal Impact FundHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo promote access to justice for all persons in Ghana. To engage in public interest advocacy and litigation. To promote the effective protection,respect and fulfillment of human rights in Ghana.28/03/202427/03/2025
Project Green ChildHumanitarian BasedInternationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiEducation, Literacy and sustainability, Humanitarian Services.28/03/202427/03/2025
Pro-Link OrganizationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKrowor MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population15/03/202414/03/2025
Reform InitiativesHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo evaluate discourses on transitional justice,Human rights,public health,General Justice,Democracy and Social-Economic Governance15/03/202414/03/2025
Regional Advisory Information and Network SystemHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
Rescue Volunteers GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKrowor MunicipalGreater AccraTo Reach out to the Needy in Ghana and Assist them to be self Reliant Through Ministry work.15/03/202414/03/2025
Research and Counselling Foundation For African MigrantsEducational BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraEducation25/03/202424/03/2025
Richbethis FoundationHumanitarian/Community development BasedCBOAdentanGreater AccraTo help the needy, disability and prison inmate. To support charity and community development12/01/202411/1/2025
Right to Play GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraSports and Play Education15/03/202414/03/2025
Romeoville FoundationEducational BasedInternationalAyawaso CentralGreater AccraTo support ideas and practices in Education specifically, ones with the power to positively change lives, system and sociey15/03/202414/03/2025
Sabeel Al-Hidayah Charitable FoundationHumanitarian basedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo contribute to providing service for human development. Organizing awareness activities and festivals. Contribute to the exploration of job opportunities for young people with their professional environment25/03/202424/03/2025
Safe Water Network GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraWater and Sanitation25/03/202424/03/2025
Salt FounationFiath/humanitarian basedNationalKEEACentralBiblical teaching and training, Human capacity development, community development and social intervention15/03/202414/03/2025
Sanford World Clinics – GhanaHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralHealth/Population25/03/202424/03/2025
School for Life (SFL)Humanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernEducation12/01/202411/01/2025
Sea2see FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKPONE KATAMANSOGREATER ACCRAHelp transition the lives of slaves back to normaal through education.15/03/202414/03/2025
Sena Pediatric Therapy FoundationHealth BasedNationalAdentaGreater AccraEducation of chidren with special needs. Education of families of children with special needs.25/03/202424/03/2025
Settle INHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALMAMPONG MUNICIPALASHANTITo drive growth at aspiring enterpreneurs and small business owners by providing them with mentorship, finanacing and ongoing educational opportunities15/03/202414/03/2025
SFLIG VoluteersHumanitarian BasedRegionalAwutu SenyaCentralTo mobilize resources to educate and empower the less privileged, especially women and girls through voluteering and internship support15/03/202414/03/2025
Sharing FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraTo share first-aid training to the community of Ghana15/03/202414/03/2025
Shedreams AfricaHumanitarian BasedRegionalTema MetroplitanGreater AccraTo Mentor and Empower Young People especially Girls to Reach thier Highest.15/03/202414/03/2025
Sinapi Aba TrustHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiIncome Generating/Finance Service25/03/202424/03/2025
Sirigu Women’s Organization for Pottery and Art(SWOPA)Humanitarian BasedNationalKassena -Nankana WestUpper EastSkills Training, Promotion of Girl child education, promotion of Gender equality, environmental sustainability and Agric, pottery, art and culture.25/03/202424/03/2025
Smileteen GhanaHealth BasedNationalAshaimanGreater AccraTo create mental health awareness to young people, To focus on children’s mental health25/03/202424/03/2025
Soccer for Dreamers AFF LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalTemaGreater AccraTo support youth footballers in Ghana by donating soccer gear and providing education.12/01/202411/01/2025
Society of Cosmetic Scientists GhanaEducational/Humanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraTo promote the advancement of science and technology in the cosmetic and toiletries industry, facilitate and improve the scientific knowledge of the individual members. To provide the means for dissemmination,collaboration and interchange of knowledge pertinent to cosmetic science and related sciences.12/01/202411/01/2025
Sonrise Christian Foundation LBGHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalHoVoltaTo establish clinics, hospitals and schools. Non profit cultural exchanges programmea, advocacy and community empowerment activities12/01/202411/01/2025
SPECIALLADY AWARENESSHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAWUTU SENYA MUNICIPALCENTRAL REGIONTo educate women and young girls on gynaecological conditions, donation of medical supplies and sanitary products to school and communities25/03/202424/03/2025
Spot Stroke Fast FoundationHumanitarian BasedInternationalBosomtwe MunicipalAshantiStroke Awareness Campaign15/03/202414/03/2025
Spread Smile FoundationHumanitarian basedNationalAdakluVoltaTo provide for the less privileged in the society through education, and provide for people with disability.25/03/202424/03/2025
Star of Hope International GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Development15/03/202414/03/2025
Star-Ghana FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa Dade-kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraTo convene inclusion dialoue and collaboration within civil society and within other stakeholders.25/03/202424/03/2025
Street Compassion GHHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraSpreading joy and love with the less privileged by helping satisfy their hunger, assisting with capital support, help the homeless turn their lives around28/03/202427/03/2025
Strong Family AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraProtection of Women and Children.12/01/202411/01/2025
Sumyuud-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTempaneUpper East25/03/202424/03/2025
Suudu Baaba FoundationHumanitarian basedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo establidh education fund and scholarship for deprived children. To negotiate for release of grazing and introduce modern methods of animal husbandry to our herdsmen.25/03/202424/03/2025
Talented and ‘A’ Student FoundationNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the brilliant and talented but less privileged students acquire education to support their dreams25/03/202424/03/2025
Talents Empowerment Foundation LBGHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo provide educational resources, financial support, mentorship and exposure to people in deprived communities12/01/202411/01/2025
Ta’lim GhanaHumanitarian basedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraHelping in accessing and facilitating better educational opportunities for the poor who cannot afford it.25/03/202424/03/2025
Tamale Ecclesiastical Province Partnership Action-TeppiaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernCreating more Awareness among our People about their Civil15/03/202414/03/2025
TB Annan FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponDisaster Relief and Child Welfare15/03/202414/03/2025
Teshie Childrens HomeEducational/Humanitarian BasedRegionalLedzekuku-KroworGreater AccraEducation, Women & Children Affairs and Street Children.25/03/202424/03/2025
The Aiders Hub Foundation LBGHumanitarian basedNationalLa-Nkwantanang MunicipalGreater AccraTo raise funds to support patients who cannot fund their medical bills especially surgery patients12/01/202411/01/2025
The Brothers FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokwaAshantiTo support the community. To promote charity works and donate funds to charity homes25/03/202424/03/2025
The Chayil FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KantamansoGreater AccraTo support the cause of widows, single mothers and orphans, these will be done through providing financial assistance, guidance, locally relevent training to develop their skills and improve entrepreneurship and help them have a better health status15/03/202414/03/2025
The Earth Mother NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalEjisu MunicipalAshantiTo educate, inspire and empower women in Africa and around the World. Advancing Gender equility in the workplace and society28/03/202427/03/2025
THE FLORENCE MENSAH FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDCBOAYAWASO WESTGREATER ACCRATo support the less privileged in the society and to train the youth in vocational skills, seminars and workshops15/03/2414/03/25
The Gentlemen Social GroupHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSocial Fraternities, Charity Works15/03/202414/03/2025
The Gold Coast Forever FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide better transportation and infratructure to the areas of Cape Coast, Sekondi25/03/202424/03/2025
The Gold Hearted FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo provide support for underprivileged children to obtain quality education and healthcare. To eliminate girl child education dropout in schools.28/03/202427/03/2025
The International Cultural Youth Exchange (Ghana)EDUCATIONAL BASEDNationalGomoa East DistrictCentralEducation15/03/202414/03/2025
The Medical ReformistHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo WestGreater AccraTo become the Dchampions Primary Care Delivery throughout Ghana and Beyond.12/01/202411/01/2025
The Prophetic Mandate Of Jesus Christ MissionsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALGa NorthGreater AccraTo embark on missions to donate to the poor & vulnerable, to provide charity among the missions in Ghana15/03/202414/03/2025
The Sahara InstituteHumanitarian BasedNationalTema CentralGreater AccraTo convene policy and decision makers to share knowledge and experiene, implement flagship programmes for sustainable development and inclusive growth.25/03/202424/03/2025
Timataaba Kids FoundationHumanitarian BasedNATIONALTALENSI MUNICIPALUPPER EASTTo provide basic needs to vulnerable in society toward producing self reliant an responsible people in the society25/03/202424/03/2025
Tiny Hands Home CareEducational/Humanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo support children in need of care and protection. To promote and povide formal and informal education to the children in the community.15/03/202414/03/2025
Total Family Health OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraSocial Development25/03/202424/03/2025
Training Research and Networking for Development (TREND)Humanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraWater & Sanitation25/03/202424/03/2025
Transforming Teaching, Educdation and LearningHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraTo Provide High Quality Technical Advice, Project Management, Research and Implementation Support Services and to Transform Teaching and Learning.19/01/202418/01/2025
Treasures in Mud GlobalHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraProviding life transforming mentorship and coaching. Providing training and capacity building programmes. Providing educational support to needy students. Undertaking developmental projects.28/03/202427/03/2025
TV DemocratHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo promote the principles of democracy and good governance. To promote access to information for effective public accountability.28/03/202427/03/2025
Ufeministi Anyidado for Vulnerable Women and ChildrenHumanitarian BasedNationalGa West MunicipalGreater AccraWomen Empowerment, Gender Advocacyand Support for Aged and Vulnerable Women.25/03/202424/03/2025
Underprivileged Sustainable Support AidHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraWomen and Children empowerment services, provision and giving of scholarships, agriculture and sanitation development, humanitarian services. Establishment of schools and health training centers.25/03/202424/03/2025
Union of Muslim Health Srvices-GhanaHeath/Humanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernMaintain an active union of medical centers and training institution per unions objectives, supervise standards at member facilities to be in line with regulatory standards.25/03/202424/03/2025
Universal Aid DispensationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraPeace Advocacy.Youth empowerment. To provide tools and equipment. To enhance teaching and learnin.25/03/202424/03/2025
Upcycle it GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGomoa EastCentralCreating awareness on the need to repurpose texile waste in communities and schools, free distributionof reusable bags to students and market women, training unemployed youth in cycling of textile waste.15/03/202414/03/2025
V & B Charity FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalManhyia NorthAshantiTo care for the poor and needy and providing shelter.12/01/202411/01/2025
Vansel FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo Work for the Social Development of Underprivileged Individuals, Groups and Communities.19/01/202418/01/2025
VIS GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAshaiman MunicipalGreater AccraHealth Education on Preventable and Non Preventable Diseases.15/03/202414/03/2025
Wala FoundationHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraHealth education, Maternal awareness, medical negligence victim suport25/03/202424/03/2025
Waterreg GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraProvision of social amenities, advocacy for the right of woman and children. To provide alternative livelihood support of the poor26/10/202424/03/2025
Waziri Foundation of HopeHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraTo help the less privileged in the society.15/03/202414/03/2025
West Africa Centre For Peace FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraYouth Development25/03/202424/03/2025
Wheels of Change ProjectHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo create jobs and undertake Developmental project15/03/202414/03/2025
Wikimedia Ghana User GroupHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraPromotion of the use and Improvement of Media and its related wikis through capacity building, Training People to Creat Ghanaian Educational Digital content.15/03/202414/03/2025
Windows of Hope FoundationHumanitarian basedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo help the poor and needy in the society. To support the needy through scholarships and financially25/03/202424/03/2025
Women and Children Wellness EmpowermentHumanitarian BasedNationalBolgatanga MunicipalGreater AccraTo alleviate the financial burden on financially struggling parents with children in hospitals. Address malnutrition among children through nutritional support and caretaker empowerment.28/03/202427/03/2025
Women in water, sanitation and climate changeHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo develop and implement innovate, Gendeer responsive solutions. To strengthen the skills and knowledge of women in water, sanitation management, climate resilence and leadership. To ensure eqitable access to clean water and sanitaion facilities for women,particularly in vulnerable communities15/03/202414/03/2025
WT Shaping Lives FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropilitanGreater AccraProvision of educational and other support services to disadvantaged childre or young people that seeks to care and empower them25/03/202424/03/2025
Yayotse OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAda EastGreater AccraBonded Sports Academy music Academy, Stem School, Creative Art, Cultural Development, Gender Empowerment, Climate change Management.15/03/202414/03/2025
Young Dreamer NetworkHumanitarianNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraEducation/Youth Developent12/01/202411/01/2025
Young Peace AmbassadorsHumanitarian BasedNationalKaragaNorthernTo work towards building sustainable peace through the youth. To work toward empowering young people. To run advocacy on peace building and devlopment15/03/202414/03/2025
Zesty Life InternationalEducational/Humanitarian BasedNationalObuasi MunicipalAshantiTechnical, industrial, vocational, entreprenurship educational training and empowerment drive, art and technological skills facilitation.15/03/202414/03/2025
ZomujoHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraTo raise funds to support mentally challenged people in society. To provide free health care and counceling for depressed and mentally challenged people.15/03/202414/03/2025
Zongo Care InitiativeHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo empower marginalized communities by providing holistic healthcare, fostering education and creating avenues for mentorship, ensuring sustainable progress and well-being28/03/202427/03/2025
Heath/Humanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo foster unity and peace among all faith in Ghana and beyond. To help vulnerable people in society. To educate the general public on matters related to religion and culture.25/03/202424/03/2025
Hey-La Ghetto FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternTo reform school drop-out, deprived young people and ex-convicts for a better future, to meet their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. To offer counselling, technical/vocational skills and trading capital. To prepare and integrate them into society well reformed and changed.05/04/20244/4/2025
Global MamasHumanitarian BasedNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralIncome Generating/Finance Service05/04/202404/04/2025
World Humanitarian Service FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernWater and Sanitation Education and Training in Agriculture and Food.05/04/202404/04/2025
Every Child MinistriesHumanitarianNationalGa-WestGreater AccraYouth and Community Development05/04/202404/04/2025
Afrikids GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTalensiUpper EastWomen and Children Affair05/04/202404/04/2025
Africa Centre For Human Rights and Sustainable DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraCapacity Building, Advocacy Capaigning, Research and Consultancy.05/04/202404/04/2025
Countryside Children’s Welfare HomeHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu Senya West MunicipalCentralTo provide support, shelter and care for abandoned and orphan children and also to the needy child05/04/202404/04/2025
Coalition for Maternal Health and Citizen EmpowerementHumanitarian BasedNATIONALAsutifi North DistrictAhafoTo Strengthen Basic Education System.05/04/202404/04/2025
Rural Aid Alliance FoundationHumanitarianNationalEffia Kwesimintsim Municipal AssemblyWesternHealth05/04/202404/04/2025
Rural Watch GhanaHealth/Humanitarian BasedNationalNew Juabeng SouthGreater AccraHealth/Population05/04/202404/04/2025
Klicks Africa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraSpecial Education for Children with Special Needs and their Parents05/04/202404/04/2025
Exglo FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Help Educate people on Waste Management, to Help promote efficient recycling system and Promote Good Sanitation.5/4/202404/04/2025
Siloam Mission CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalAtwima KwanyomaAshantiEducation5/4/202404/04/2025
New Anointing Christian Fellowship Hope CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalDodowaGreater AccraPoverty Reduction5/4/202504/04/2025
Grace Station FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEducation and Allivation of Hunger.5/4/202604/04/2025
Youth opportunity and Transfoemation in AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraYouth Development5/4/202704/04/2025
Future Hope InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalAgotime-ZiopeVoltaPromote Rights of Persons with Disability.18/04/202417/04/2025
Kokrobite Chiltern CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraEducation18/04/202417/04/2025
Rawdatul Rijaal FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalEffia-KwesimintsimWesternProviding Financial Support for the Disabled Orphans, Widows and Less Privileged in Society.18/04/202417/04/2025
Factspace West AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalOkaikoi NorthGreater AccraTo Apply the Best Practices of Journalism and Code of Principles and to ensure ready Access to Credible Infrmation and Increase Public Understanding.18/04/202417/04/2025
Meta FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBolgatangaUpper EastCapacity Building.18/04/202417/04/2025
Foundation For Community Empowerment Programme (FOCEP)Humanitarian BasedNationalBolgatanga NorthUppert EastTo Facilitate Agricultural and Agri-Business value chain Development.18/04/202417/04/2025
Juliana Holistic Healthcare ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalLa-NkwantanangGreater AccraEnhancing Effective Management of Children18/04/202417/04/2025
Blessing Basket Project GhanaECONOMICNationalBolgatangaUpper EastIncome Generating/Finance Service18/04/202417/04/2025
Artlife MattersHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraArt Project Management Exhibition.18/04/202417/04/2025
Shalom Grace Mission FoundationFaith BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraReligious Development18/04/202417/04/2025
The Caring Hands of God Children CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraOrphans and Widows18/04/202417/04/2025
SightsaversHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraHealth/Population24/04/2024
The Oasis international Training CentreHumanitarian BasedInternationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
World Cocoa Foundation (Ghana)Humanitarian BasedInternationalayawaso west wuogonGreater AccraAgriculture & Food Security24/04/2024
The Hunger Project – GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAbokobi MunicipalGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
Chance for ChildrenHumanitarian BasedInternationalAblekuma Central MunicipalGreater AccraStreet Children24/04/2024
Grameen FoundationHumanitarian BasedInternationalGa EastGreater AccraWomen & Chidren24/04/2024
Care International GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraFighting poverty abd social injustice and defending dignity24/04/2024
Plan International GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
Forty LivesHumanitarian BasedNationalKorley Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraProviding Material and Emotional Support to the under Privileged and Vulnerables.24/04/2024
Pure Home WaterHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo Provide Safe and Clean Water for the Underprileged24/04/2024
Orthopedic Training CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternRehabilitation of Physically Challenge24/04/2024
Hope for Social & Development ProgrammesHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo provide Health Care Assistance to Women and Children.24/04/2024
Challenging HeightsHumanitarian BasedNationalEffutu MunicipalityCentralEducation24/04/2024
Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism GhanaCommunity DevelopmentNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development24/04/2024
CTIW FoundationFaith BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraPropagate the Word of God to Children, Seek the Welfre Needs of Children and Teach Children Moral Values.24/04/2024
Write For WorldHumanitarian BasedNationalHo MunicipalVoltaCommunity Educational Outreach Projects. Promote Peace, Patriotism, Culture and Tourism. Promote Creative Writing Among Students, and Empower Single Maothers and Children.24/04/2024
Perfocraze International Artist ResidencyHumanitarian BasedNATIONALKumasi MetropolitanASHANTITo build a safe artist and creative community that contributes to the vibrant art scene in Ghana and across the globe through local and international exchange05/04/202404/04/2025
Pauline Naaeder Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo support the women groups,churches and schools in the upper west Region with funding,items and donation of books.05/04/202404/04/2025
Del-Mawusi Care WorldHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo provide essential support and resources to individuals in deprived areas and to help meet their basic needs and leave better lives05/04/202404/04/2025
D Rose FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the needy in the society. To organize medical outreach. To provide shelter,educate the needy to acquire success.05/04/202404/04/2025
Birthright-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraTo help pregnant girls or women not to feel pressed into abortion. To create a crisis centre where the distressed and pregnant women and girls feel loved. To educate on pregnancy,parental information,skill and legal advice.05/04/202404/04/2025
Boahene Charitable ChangeHumanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraTo support education by providing best educational infrastructure. To improve lives of the underprivileged. Adoption services. Mental health advocacy. Training and capacity building for young female and agriculture startups05/04/202404/04/2025
Learning MastermindsHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo provide teaching and learning solutions,Human resources and capacity building development for teachers and training and consultancy services.05/04/202404/04/2025
TG GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalMampong MunicipalAshantiTo relieve the needy in Ghana of financial haedship. To improve health by providing safe and clean water. To promote education by providing school materials05/04/202404/04/2025
Tarayyan Zangwanin DuniyaHumanitarian BasedNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralTo do charity works05/04/202404/04/2025
Yesshecan FoundationHumanitarian Based/Community developmentNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation. Schorlaship. Girld-child and woment empowerment. Skills training. Community development. Economic,socila and legal advocacy. Fininancial suppoort.05/04/202404/04/2025
Yaco International GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKwahu WestEasternRendering selfless social work services to mankind05/04/202404/04/2025
Northern Friends for DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo engage in sensitization initiatives on pertinent and economic issues which have the tendancy of affecting the individual and collective lives of target populations of productive health,HIV/AIDS /STD’s,sanitation and hygiene to reduce their lrvrl of disease.05/04/202404/04/2025
Lims FoundationHumanitarian BasedRegionalAyawaso WestGreater AccraDonation of LP gases05/04/202404/04/2025
Siad TalentHumanitarian BasedNationalAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraTo empower the youth through envangelism and moral training, formal education, support for the poor and needy by providing scholarship for better educatiom, vocational and technical trainning. Madical screening and care.05/04/202404/04/2025
Serwaa Amihere FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo provide help to the poor and needy in society in regards to education,health and sanitation.05/04/202404/04/2025
Systematic FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo look after the general welfare of the aged in Ghana. To care for the poor and vulnerable in the society05/04/202404/04/2025
Sompa AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo establish a free health rehabilitation center for the youth and old people. To organize mental health education programs for the general public. To provide assistance for our rehab patients by setting them up(work and education) after successful rehab analysts to embark on health campaigns05/04/202404/04/2025
Villa for Kids LifeHumanitarian BasedNationalAbura Asebu KwamankeseCentralTo provide education to homeless and under privilege children. To take care of needy children05/04/202404/04/2025
M.S Hijazi FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma SouthGreater AccraTo do charitable works by collection of funding through sponsors and donor sources. To grant scholarships and financial aid to qualifying students. To offer financial aid to deservong individuals and families05/04/202404/04/2025
MedTrack FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth technology services targeted for primary and less resourced health care providers and communities in Africa05/04/202404/04/2025
Gromat EdupeaceHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraEducation on sanitation and education on peace democracy05/04/202404/04/2025
Ghana Academy of Muslim Professionals-GAMPHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo glorify the word of Allah. To promote the course of Islam and Muslims through knowledge and education. To serve as a forum for socio-economic enligntenment and awareness.05/04/202404/04/2025
Oscar Onai FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraAdvocacy. Child and youth development. Community development. Health promotion. Literacy project. Research in social development.05/04/202404/04/2025
Charlotte Grace HomeHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo run orphange and to assist needy children in the community, to assist aged people.05/04/202404/04/2025
Alpha Hour MinistriesFaith BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraPrayer, evangelism, outreach and missionary activities,publishing,charity and philanthropic work05/04/202404/04/2025
Africa Dyslexia OrganizationEducational BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraAwareness campaign, advocacy,education training programs for teachers and parents,research and publish data on dyslexia and related learning disabilities in Africa.05/04/202404/04/2025
Eminence Lead InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraLeadership consultancy. Quality education for the needy. Gender protection for young adults. Women and girls empowerment program05/04/202404/04/2025
Ernest K.B FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help in the financial capacity building of the youth with potentials. To help in the commuinty development. To help prision inmates with training and capacity building to start a new life all over again.05/04/202404/04/2025
Uness Care FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraAdvocacy support for the vulnerable and less privileged particularly orphans,widows,prisoners and physically challenged. Build capacity of care takers/officers of the vulnerable and less privileged.05/04/202404/04/2025
Ama Ankomaa MemorialHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraHealth service training,education,equip entrepreneurs with management solutions,travel and tourism sensitization,training on technology,environmental education,women and youth empowerment.05/04/202404/04/2025
Hey-La Ghetto FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternTo reform school drop-out, deprived young people and ex-convicts for a better future, to meet their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. To offer counselling, technical/vocational skills and trading capital. To prepare and integrate them into society well reformed and changed.05/04/202404/04/2025
Ahabanmono EmpactHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraTo help provide renewable and sustainability solution to local communities through training and development,research works,advisory to policy makers on renewable energy and sustainability awareness.05/04/202404/04/2025
Ibux Creative StudiosHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraCreating a healthier life for underprivileged youth. Builing an emerging generation of empowered youth. Youth entrepreneuship activities. Youth development.05/04/202404/04/2025
Center for Scientific Studies and Social ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraPromoting science education among the youth. Sponsoring for orphans,brilliant but needy students. Distribution of books and relief items.18/04/202417/04/2025
Bibians FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraTo enhance and improve upon the standards of living of individuals especially women, to reduce unemployment.18/04/202417/04/2025
Green Growth AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraNon-profit project management. Environmental and social advocacies. Capacity building and training for improverished Africa communities.creating and sustaining economic opportunities for African communities.18/04/202417/04/2025
Women and Girls Empowerment FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa NorthGreater AccraEducation and Awareness programs on women health issues, including reproductive health, mental health and non-communities diseases. Advocacy for policies and programs that priortise womens health.18/04/202417/04/2025
budgIT GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo use creative technology to simplify public infrmation,stimulating a community of active citizens and enabling their right to demand accountability and effective service delivery.18/04/202417/04/2025
Awakening Africa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraInspiring and trainng of the youth. Development of the rural children and schol projects, networking with organizations for event distribution of resources.18/04/202417/04/2025
Elray FoundationEducational BasedNationalGa NorthGreater AccraTrain the JHS and SHS leavers in vocational skills18/04/202417/04/2025
Faith in Ghana AllianceHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraPublic policy dialogue meetings. Engagement with public policy education. Engagement in social and behaviour change communications. Engagement with Ghana General elections.18/04/202417/04/2025
Dr.Dennis FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo promote education. To promote economic empowerment. To enhance infrastructure development. To promote agriculture through training and skill development. Health promotion18/04/202417/04/2025
K-Nak FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOsu KlotteyGreater AccraTo source for and provide help and resources to support the needy and destitute in the society in pursing education.18/04/202417/04/2025
Empowerlife Alliance NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo empower women,children on the environment,based on principles of compassion,sustainability and community engagement.18/04/202417/04/2025
Pokafemtech FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTemaGreater AccraTo help improve the reproductive lives of women across Africa18/04/202417/04/2025
Achimota School Endowment TrustEducational/Community developmentNationalOkai Kwei NorthGreater AccraFor the promotion and encouragement of education in Achimota school, for the erection,rehabilitation,extension and maintainence of the building and facilities of the school,for the maintenance and advancement of education,religion,sports and and other charitable purposes at Achimota school.18/04/202417/04/2025
Voice1AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraPan Africanism from bottom up. Creating opportunities for transnational networking and collaboration. Advocacy and youth empowerment through art,media,research and enterprise18/04/202417/04/2025
Impact Billion Lives FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOforikromAshantiTo ensure universal education access, establish partnership with schools in rural and deprived communities to access resources for the schools and to provide sponsorship and scholarships to less privileged students.18/04/202417/04/2025
Readers Bay FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo help the poor and needy. To educate the youth on how to read and speak good english18/04/202417/04/2025
Wealth and Jobs AgencyHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraTo organize expo events on wealth creation18/04/202417/04/2025
Techlift FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsunafo NorthAhafoProviding both formal and informal education to the needy in the society18/04/202417/04/2025
Guide and Save Adolescents FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSeyere-EastAshantiCounseling Adolescents, Educating the public on Adolescent health.18/04/202417/04/2025
Aunty Naa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOforikromAshantiTo provide and supply for the widows, To help the poor and less privileged, Social justice, offer free health care and surgery, provide non profit loans to the less privileged.18/04/202417/04/2025
AiperdHumanitarian/Educational BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo support policy driven human resource development through capacity building.To write, publish and disseminate development oriented reports,article,books papers and opinion statement.18/04/202417/04/2025
Diligent Vessels FoundationHumanitarian/Educational BasedNationalNew JuabengEasternTo reduce Adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among the youth through comprehensive reproductive health education18/04/202417/04/2025
Faciotech FoundationHumanitarianNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraIt Literacy,social interation,social awareness to create other innovations that best solve societal challenges. Encourage societsl progress and impact through technology.18/04/202417/04/2025
Alombinuo FoundationHumanitarianNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastSkill training,medical outreach,educational support and livelihood support activities18/04/202417/04/2025
Blessing Holbrook AcademyHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraGiving education to the needy in society,orphans and street children.18/04/202417/04/2025
Hope Cornerstone FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo support the vulnerable and needy in society.18/04/202417/04/2025
SM Matters of the Heart FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo support single mothers, the disabled and homeless children on the street18/04/202417/04/2025
FunLearn SMILE FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAbuakwa NorthEasternTo provide support to organization,institutions and individuals in the society. To support less privileged people in the society in terms of education,science,culture and intertainment.18/04/202417/04/2025
Help Bench FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo help the poor and needy society18/04/202417/04/2025
Densu AssociatesHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetroplitanGreater AccraProgranne/project advisory and implementation18/04/202417/04/2025
Ampem Darkoa Ladies Football ClubHumanitarian BasedNationalTechiman MunicipalBono EastOperating a football club to help talented ladies with football to explore their talent for free.18/04/202417/04/2025
Aseda FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternTo assist the needy but brilliant students in the community. To provide vocational skills for the youth the community. To help cultivate the habit of saving among the youth.18/04/202417/04/2025
Deg & Sej (DS) Learning InstituteHumanitarian BasedNationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraTo support the needy but brilliant students. To provide accomodation to prospective students.18/04/202417/04/2025
Africa Prosperity NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo organise local and international political and business conference. Training and mentorship programs. Business tourism. Promoting harmonization of trade in Africa.18/04/202417/04/2025
Ansar Al-Khairiya OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokore MampongAshantiTo help spread the Islamic rolling across the nation. To help build Islamic School and Mosques and organize Quran sciencee quizzes for students18/04/202417/04/2025
Eva De-Heer Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationaKomenda Edina EguafoCentralTo solicit educational support for needy children in and around Komenda Edina Eguafo Assembly.18/04/202417/04/2025
Ecoland Organic GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKorle KlotteyGreater AccraStrengthening the capacity of Agricultureal organisations18/04/202417/04/2025
Emmacel FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalShamaWesternTo provide educational assistance to the less priviledged. To provide support to the aged. To support in community development in infrastructure, youth and women empowerment18/04/202417/04/2025
Grow West AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalWenchiBonoOrganisation of training,workshop,seminars and conferences for farmers18/04/202417/04/2025
Global Green AllianceHumanitarian BasedNationalBibiani Ahwiaso BerkwaiWestern NorthAddressing the global agenda of food insecurity, reducing poverty through modern agricultural practices in rural areas, ensuring environmental purity.18/04/202417/04/2025
Passion Bearers WorldwideHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo rescue the youth from wrong relationships. To raise a generation of Godly couples who will be relevant to their society.18/04/202417/04/2025
Philomena Goodman FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo help orphans,widows and less privileged people in the society.18/04/202417/04/2025
Homeopathy Education and Practitioners AssociationHealth BasedNationalNorth TonguVoltaTo support the development of Homeopathic medicine in Ghana. To support the development of Homeopatjic clinical practice.18/04/202417/04/2025
Handmaids of the Devine Redeemer Sisters’ FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo provide assistant to returened migrants. To carry out Advocacy on child labour in Agriculture communities.18/04/202417/04/2025
Hope,Opportunity,Meaning and Equity GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo promote and improve the welfare of women and childern in the Ghanaian commuinties and to equip them with skills for their growth and development18/04/202417/04/2025
Lifeways FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOld TafoAshantiTo provide funding support for training programs for health workers. To provide financial aid to support medical bills of children, the aged and poor.18/04/202417/04/2025
Forum for Future GenrationHumanitarian BasedNationalMfantsemanCentralPromotion of competition among communities and Educational Institutions in Greening and Environmental cleanliness18/04/202417/04/2025
Youth Impact LabHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraSocial Work and Development. Advocacy for social justice. Capacity building and training. Reasearch. Public policy advocacy.18/04/202417/04/2025
Vick Kitcher FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater Accracommunity medical outreach donations, support to childrens home and orphanages,charity girl education and youth empowerment and widows and disabled.18/04/202417/04/2025
Mafarah Ayew Football AcademyHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo unearth sports talent. Help develop careers. To offer sports education and training. To run a football club. Sports management and facilitation18/04/202417/04/2025
Missions TodayHumanitarian BasedNationalAfiaya KwabreGreater AccraImproving material and infant health education. Ensuring environmental sustainability through education. Empowring communities through christian missions.18/04/202417/04/2025
Women for Sustainability AfricaNationalGa WestGreater Accra18/04/202417/04/2025
Peoples Liberation Front(PLF)Humanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraSeek to mobilize Ghanaians for their participation in economic and political activities in Ghana. Participate in decision making at the communities and the nation18/04/202417/04/2025
Silent Scream FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DedekotoponGreater AccraA support group for depressed students18/04/202417/04/2025
PM Dyscare FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraInformation communication technology services. Hospitality services. Buying and selling of health products18/04/202417/04/2025
Krapa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekumanGreater AccraTo provide philanthriopic aid to schools,hospitals and farmers18/04/202417/04/2025
International Foundation for Electoral Systems – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraProvison of capacity building and technical support to civil society and election management bodies18/04/202417/04/2025
Jan Cosmic FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa NorthGreater AccraTo organize support for a course of trianing for personal development18/04/202417/04/2025
Agroworld ImpactHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthenCapacity building for farmers,agricultural advisory,climate change advocacy,environmental sustainablility advocacy.18/04/20244/17/2025
Total Women NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraTo educate,empower and inspire women. Women empowerment through seminars and business creation18/04/202417/04/2025
Veenyela FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSagneriguNorthernCapacity building and training of farmers,reduce malnutrition through education and food supply,assist farmers to improve quality yield and increase.18/04/202417/04/2025
Kofi Adjei Stephen(KAS) FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSunyani WestBonoTo provide educational support. To provide relief packages for disaster casualties. To provide community aid and development. To support the poor and the vulnerable in the society.18/04/202417/04/2025
Eve Medical FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraCreating awareness in mental illness in Ghanaian women. Helping the Ghanaian women by providing health care support services to every Ghanaina women.18/04/202417/04/2025
The Shepherdking FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo help the less privilege in the communities18/04/202417/04/2025
Sidos FoundationNationalGa SouthGreater Accra18/04/202417/04/2025
Eve International FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraAdvocacy in women issues,climate change,leadership and event managenent18/04/202417/04/2025
Talking Tipps Africa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentaGreater AccraTo use social and traditional media to empower parents on typical speech and language development18/04/202417/04/2025
Tamale Archdiocessan Development Office(TADO)Humanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo work towards a society where the dignity of the poor, vulnerable and excluded is secured18/04/202417/04/2025
Action Group for Child and Family ProtectionHumanitarian BasedNationalBosomtweGREATER ACCRA18/04/202417/04/2025
Project Power AidHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide healthcare services to healthcare settings and communities18/04/202417/04/2025
Feed the Hungry in your CommunityHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyiri municipalEasternMedical assistance and food for the less privileged in communities18/04/202417/04/2025
Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation Ghana ChapterHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo provide heathcare, sanitation and safe drinking water to less privileged communities18/04/202417/04/2025
Luster Smiles Africa FoundationHealth BasedCBOAdentanGreater AccraTo provide free dental services to less privileged in rural communities across the country18/04/2024
Education and Health for AfricaHumanitarian BasedCBOKpone KatamansoGreater AccraTo offer and promote education and health to brilliant but needy children and adults. To enable the economically deprived individuals become gainfully employed and contributes to their respective communities.18/04/2024
Bridge – Risus Education FoudationHumanitarian BasedCBOTema WestGreater AccraTo support the girl child education. To prevent the abuse of the girl child.18/04/2024
Ecowillow GlobalHumanitarian BasedNationalSagneriguNorthernTo povide innovation technologienabled solutions for environmental sustainability. Implement solutions that address climate change within schools and communities24/04/202423/04/2025
Future Scholars of The WorldHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo provide financial and Educational assistance to the less privileged in the community. To seek to the welfare of children in the community.24/04/202423/04/2025
Altruistic FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraProviding assistance and support for less fortunate persons. Medical and Educational support for the needy24/04/202423/04/2025
Help Our People Excel For AllHumanitarian BasedNationalAkuapem SouthEasternTo help our people excel for all. To link America families with African families for friendship24/04/202423/04/2025
Amegashie and Allied Family FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawasoGreater AccraBringing relief to the people of Keta in the Volta Region of Ghana through a progressive involvement in the area of good drinking water and sanitation, green energy, quality education, quality healthcare, infrastructure and good transportation avenue.24/04/202423/04/2025
Kiki’s Charitable FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraHelping the needy in the communities. Helping the needy financially. Helping the needy through education24/04/202423/04/2025
Yaa Animah Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraWomen and acahildren Healthcare and Development24/04/202423/04/2025
Esianyo FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraHelping the needy and less privileged. Community support activities. Charitable activities24/04/202423/04/2025
Women of Today FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawasoGreater AccraCommitting ourselves to help build the nation thereby helping the needy within the rural areas especially their talents andutilize them.24/04/202423/04/2025
Reve FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraEquipping the youth especially young musicians in choosing career goals,supporting talents and giving to charity.24/04/202423/04/2025
The Alepasse FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraSkills Development programmes. Educational support services. Provides healthcare services. Provides scholarships to the less privilege.24/04/202423/04/2025
Soles of HopeHumanitarian BasedNationalDome KwabenyaGreater AccraOrganisation of Donation Exercise, Helping children in rural areas with access to school materials, clothing,shoes and qualty water24/04/202423/04/2025
Local Potential EnhancingHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraVcocational Training and human capacity building centres. Educatin/school projects and scholarship. Construction of boreholes and water systems.24/04/202423/04/2025
Brain Fitness Center AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraMental health for women/girls. Helping people in our communities build mental skills that help them maximize their potential.24/04/202423/04/2025
Amet Health GroupHealth BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater Accraprovision of Healthcare,medical aid,medical outreach and medical education services. Hospital and surgical setup. Facilitate access to medical interventions and drug therapies24/04/202423/04/2025
The Tuyee Awuah Family FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo support the community with education and healthcare infrasture24/04/202423/04/2025
World Mercyship Non-Governmental OrganizationHealth BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo help solicit funds,medication,food,clothing,toiletries for sickle cell patients. To create awareness for individuals to know their blood groups before marriage to avoid sickle cell24/04/202423/04/2025
Power Minds Youth GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraYouth empowerment, cosmetology,fashion and tailoring training, training the youth in Agric Business and farming.24/04/202423/04/2025
Help For The Aged Africa “Efie Ne Efie”Humanitarian BasedNationalWenchiBonoTo enlighten and create awareness of the necessity of Appropraite care for the elderly in developing countries of Africa, To house and maaintain the aged in residential homes.24/04/202423/04/2025
Galaxy Family BasketHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraProviding financial support to the needy24/04/202423/04/2025
Global Givers Needy FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo provide funds to support the needy24/04/202423/04/2025
TMW FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraAssisting the needy with training and skills development. Educational support for the poor and needy children. Supply relief items to support disaster victims.24/04/202423/04/2025
Enquiry Agency Careers NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso EastGreater AccraClareer development and guidance. Volunteer placement and programs for youth. Business development programs for youth.24/04/202423/04/2025
Rural Engagement and Empowerment Programme GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKumbunguNorthernAwareness creation and advocacy for girls rights to education.24/04/202423/04/2025
Soul Refuge FoundationHealth BasedNationalOkaikoi NorthGreater AccraDistributing of condoms, testing of HIV and Reaching out to society.24/04/202423/04/2025
Centre for Rural Enterprise DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraProvide water and sanitation projects to rural areas. Provide life and sexual education to rural areas. Provide health screening assistance to the rural folks.24/04/202423/04/2025
The Heart of The Needy FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOkaikoi NorthGreater AccraTo provide an atmosphere that expresses love and seek suport to improve the livelihood of the less privileged in deprived areas, to provide basic needs such as portable water,good education and access to social amenities to the less privileged.24/04/202423/04/2025
The Afican Freelancers(TAF College Foundation)Eduational BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEducation,Education Consultancy services,Book publishing24/04/202423/04/2025
Baffour Adjei Kwaku Bonsu FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth Care Scholarship, provision of health and related facilities,accomodation for health personnel,health and educational schoolarships and sponsorship24/04/202423/04/2025
Wellnesswings Global InitiativesHumanitarian BasedNationalSuhumEasternHealth Education and screening humanitarian works, to educate the public on sanitation and water related issues.24/04/202423/04/2025
Anhuntem Darmang FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam AdoagyiriEasternTo cater for the educational needs of the community, to cater for social developmental needs of the community, to cater for the welfare of the people in the community.24/04/202423/04/2025
High Gate FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBerekum EastBonoTo take care of the needy childen, to educate the youth in vocational training, to seek for the welfare of women and children, to develop skill training for persons with disabilities.24/04/202423/04/2025
The Grace Encounter Networkn – TPCHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo organise for a to supply and improve membership knowledge of God. To develop a working machinery to propagate the gospel nationwide. To engage in philanthropic activities.24/04/202423/04/2025
The Borehole ProjectCommunity DevelopmentNationalAshaimanGreater AccraBuilding of boreholes for needy communities in Northern Region and across all Regions24/04/202423/04/2025
Maa Bhagwati Global FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraLower poverty amongst local community. Reduce poverty by providing training to the youth and the deprived in the community.24/04/202423/04/2025
Project Hope – The People – To – People Health Foundation,INC.Health BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraConduct and support programs and activities aimed at solving some of the World’s greatest public health challenges, with a specific focus on enabling health workers to have the greatest impact on the health of the people they serve.24/04/202423/04/2025
Cowater GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo improve resililence of Ghanaian citizens especially women,girls and vulnerable groups, through increased inestments through increased investments in inclusive and gender-responsive climate adaption initaitives24/04/202423/04/2025
Last Mile HealthHealth BasedInternationalAdentanGreater AccraHealthcare Support24/04/202423/04/2025
Street Child UK GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAdentanGreater AccraProvide education,Economic empowerment and protection programs in low income communities. Support children to be safe in school and in learnining.24/04/202423/04/2025
Uni-Jay Amaleboba Skills Development AcademyEducational BasedNationalVocational training in the field of art and design, training and development of people in the field of apparel manufacturing24/04/202423/04/2025
ML4Lyfe Desbordes Clubhouse GhanaHealth BasedNationalPantang WestGreater AccraMental Health Rehabilitation center or facility clubhouse-franchised for the recovery of mentally challenged individuals from the psychiatric hospitals24/04/202423/04/2025
SightsaversHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraHealth/Population24/04/2024
The Oasis international Training CentreHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
World Cocoa Foundation (Ghana)HUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalayawaso west wuogonGreater AccraAgriculture & Food Security24/04/2024
The Hunger Project – GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAbokobi MunicipalGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
Chance for ChildrenHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAblekuma Central MunicipalGreater AccraStreet Children24/04/2024
Grameen FoundationHumanitarian BasedInternationalGa EastGreater AccraWomen & Chidren24/04/2024
Care International GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraFighting poverty abd social injustice and defending dignity24/04/2024
Plan International GhanaHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEducation24/04/2024
Forty LivesHumanitarian BasedNationalKorley Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraProviding Material and Emotional Support to the under Privileged and Vulnerables.24/04/2024
Pure Home WaterHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo Provide Safe and Clean Water for the Underprileged24/04/2024
Orthopedic Training CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternRehabilitation of Physically Challenge24/04/2024
Hope for Social & Development ProgrammesHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo provide Health Care Assistance to Women and Children.24/04/2024
Challenging HeightsHumanitarian BasedNationalEffutu MunicipalityCentralEducation24/04/2024
Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism GhanaCommunity DevelopmentNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development24/04/2024
CTIW FoundationFaith BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraPropagate the Word of God to Children, Seek the Welfre Needs of Children and Teach Children Moral Values.24/04/2024
Write For WorldHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaCommunity Educational Outreach Projects. Promote Peace, Patriotism, Culture and Tourism. Promote Creative Writing Among Students, and Empower Single Maothers and Children.24/04/2024
Nana Enoo Mutaku II Educdation Trust FundHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo Support Brilliant but Needy Students.07/05/202406/05/2025
Ghana National Association of the DeafCommuinity DevelopmentNationalKorley KlotteyGreater AccraCommunity Development07/05/202406/05/2025
Tiwaa Health For Wealth FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa West MunicipalGreater AccraTo Train and Equip the Youth on healthy Living, to Effect Behavioural Change in Negative Healthy practics through Intensive Health Education.07/05/202406/05/2025
Yaa Serwaah Adwenpa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Support Abandoned Children to Learn Trade07/05/202406/05/2025
Reach The ChildrenHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraHealth/Population/HIV/AIDS07/05/202406/05/2025
Henry House CommunityHumanitarian BasedNationalTaklaVoltaProvision of educational needs of students in the district07/05/202406/05/2025
African Evaluation AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo Promote Support Development in Africa to Encourage the Development and Publication of High Quality Evaluation.07/05/202406/05/2025
Ansung Education and Development In Rural Ghana(AEDIRG)Community DevelopmentNationalWest GonjaSavannahWomen and Children, Water And Sanitation, Community/Rural/Development And Among Others07/05/202406/05/2025
New Hope Charitable Outreach Service For The AgeingHumanitarian BasedNationalKwadasoAshantiEducation07/05/202406/05/2025
CSD ReformFaith/Humanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernEvangelism through Mass Media and Humanitarian Services.07/05/202406/05/2025
Henry Djaba Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalYilo KroboEasternEmpowering Vulnerable Children, Women and Persons Living with Disability.07/05/202406/05/2025
Hearts Of The Father OutreachEducational BasedNationalDangme EastGreater AccraEducation07/05/202406/05/2025
Rights and Advocacy Initiatives NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalAtwima KwanwomaAshantiTo Pomote Inclusion of All Relevant Stateholders in the National Decision-Making Process.07/05/202406/05/2025
Obra FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalUpper West AkimEasternHealth/Population07/05/202406/05/2025
Global Hand On Natural Environmental CareHumanitarian BasdNationalAtebubu-AmantingBrong-AhafoPromote Equal Acces to Quality Education for Youth.07/05/202406/05/2025
The Frank Asiedu Bekoe FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSuhum MunicipalGreater AccraEducation, Scholarship, Community Devlopment nd Skills Development and Empowerment.07/05/202406/05/2025
Project 55Humanitarian BasedNationalKorley KloteyGreater AccraPromoting Ghanaians Arts and culture through an innovative and immersive exhibition that showcases the works of african creativess, empowering them to profit from their creative impact,experiment with visionary ideas, preserve our shared heritage and push the boundaries of creative equity.07/05/20246/05/2025
A New Beginning Rehabilitation CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo advocate for mentally challenged people roaming about in the streets and destitutes. To rehabilitate,resettle and manage mentally challenged people and destitutes.07/05/20246/05/2025
Albarka Humanitarian Services OrganizationCommunity Development.NationalSekyere EastAshantiTo undertake developmental projects in communities.07/05/20246/05/2025
Life AgainHumanitarian BasedNationalWa MunincipalUpper WestTo end child marriage by empowering teenage mothers to build careers and transition smoothly into adulthood. Providing teenage mothers with mentoring.07/05/20246/05/2025
Good Growth Support FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalWassa Amenfi WestWesternProvision of potable water for less privileged communities. Provision of food and food items for the poor. Religious support,provision of education.07/05/20246/05/2025
Global Volunteers Corps-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSocial volunteering services, youth empowerment activities,Humanitarian activities.07/05/20246/05/2025
Edgans – Lyn FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraHumanitarian and charity services. To assist the less privileged and needy in the community.07/05/20246/05/2025
Meraki NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalHohoeVoltaYouth development,girls and women empowerment,water and sanitation services,poverty alleviation,agricultural development.07/05/20246/05/2025
Wildlife and Human Resources OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraNatural and Resource Development07/05/20246/05/2025
Africa Health Promotion OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma SouthGreater AccraTo ensure that, Ghana and the Africcan subregion increases its capacity to develop and implement local and international strategies for improving health determinants for all persona at all07/05/20246/05/2025
Corncern Citizens of Nsuta Kwamang BeposoHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekumaGreater AccraTo look after orphans, needy and the poor children in society, to provide them education and skills for life.07/05/20246/05/2025
Geriatric HubHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo educate people and communities on care of older people, educate older adults on their general health and wellness, provide health screening and others for older people, training of individuals interested in the care of old people.07/05/20246/05/2025
Elvisinspire.orgHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEmpowering the youth, providing motivational speeches, organizing training workshops, capacity building, philanthropy.07/05/20246/05/2025
Gyamn – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetroplolitanGreater AccraOrganise workshop and training for capacity building and also through youth voluntary activities.07/05/20246/05/2025
Good Impact FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraEnvironmental, Scoial, Advocacy and Human Right activities.07/05/20246/05/2025
Eaa Leadership FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraCharity/Capacity buildings and Training07/05/20246/05/2025
Bippas – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo advocate for best healthcare services and polivy for women,childre and youth. To promote sustainable agriculture,wommen economic empowerment and livelihoods interventions.07/05/20246/05/2025
Kenzillaah AidHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo serve society through the provision of educational, religious,charitable or social welfare of the people at large.07/05/20246/05/2025
Newhive FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokwaAshantiTraining and exchange programmes, skill development and curriculum, development, outreach and awareness programmes.07/05/20246/05/2025
Play Airball GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo promote the play airball sport throughout Ghana. To carry out play airball activities that serves the community in particular.07/05/20246/05/2025
VODEC AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTraining of enterpreneurs, career guidance services,organizing of symposium, charitable funds support for enterpreneurs07/05/20246/05/2025
The Essuman FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the needy, to seek the welfare of members.07/05/20246/05/2025
Becks Glaucoma Foundation GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraCreating awareness on glaucoma,organizing seminars and training on the treatment and care for persons with glaucoma07/05/20246/05/2025
Institute of Climate change and Environmental GovernanceHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo advocate for rules,norms and laws that addresses climate and environmental issues. Research and policy advocacy.07/05/20246/05/2025
Sisidua Goodwill FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNorth TonguVoltaTo work towards the upliftments of children, aged and the less privileged in the society.07/05/20246/05/2025
Centre for Extractives and development AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraPromote accountable and just use of natural resources for develoment07/05/20246/05/2025
Koby FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAda WestGreater AccraSupport the education of children through to university as well as provide their feeding and health needs07/05/20246/05/2025
Hour of Destiny Changers FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo help the needy and less privileged in the society07/05/20246/05/2025
United Hands for ChangeHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiHelping children and young adults from poor families to have access to better and quality education.07/05/20246/05/2025
Gladys Ayebea Hammond Memorial FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSuhumEasternSocial mobility through sports(Hockey). Organzing hockey tournaments. To support education. Community engagement07/05/20246/05/2025
Full CharityCommunity developmentNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo help build schools,mosque and boreholes for deprived societies.07/05/20246/05/2025
Rural Soccer GhanaNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthern07/05/20246/05/2025
Baffour Akoto Educational FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKwadasoAshantiTo provide educational support to less privileged people in the society.07/05/20246/05/2025
Pearls Charity FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo support the needy07/05/20246/05/2025
Ddanibes FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraExchange programmes and family hosting. Health campaigns,skills development,governance advocacy,educational support services.07/05/20246/05/2025
Weaid InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo support children and families on the streets07/05/20246/05/2025
3012 Leaders FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraEmpowering communities through gender equility,grassroots sports,women’s health & amplifying athletes voices through programs.07/05/20246/05/2025
Daisy Care FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralTo help ensure every child have access to education. To help the less privileged in society. To encourage entrepreneurship by way of fund support for less privileged people.07/05/20246/05/2025
Womennow GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalHoVoltaTo educate women and adolescent girls on mentraual hygiene management and skills training in Ghana.07/05/20246/05/2025
Province HomeHumanitarian BasedNationalKetu SouthVoltaTo give care and protection to the needy and vulnerable children. To encourage and support needy children and out schools youth.07/05/20246/05/2025
Damongo Catholic Diicesan Development Organization(DACADO)Humanitarian BasedNationalWest GonjaSavannahTo promote access to quality health and education,good governance,justice and peace,livelihood and environmental security for the wholistic development of the poor and vulnerable.07/05/20246/05/2025
Green EducationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo promote, encourage and lead the establishment of technology, E-learning and energy related education within rural communities.07/05/20246/05/2025
Cloud FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernSupporting education of under privileged children,assisting the interedted youth in vocational training,conducting of operational research.07/05/20246/05/2025
Perfect Mind FoundationHealth BasedNationalAsunafo North.AhafoManagement of various mental health conditions,counseling services,rehabilitation of target groups,establishment of self help groups,mentals.07/05/20246/05/2025
Selfless Charity OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzorkuku KroworGreater AccraTo support the less privileged out of school and non enrolled young less privileged children between the age of 14 to 20 in education and skills acquisition for better and suitable future.07/05/20246/05/2025
Africa and Asia AcademicsHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraAssist needy but brilliant students all over the country.07/05/20246/05/2025
TU eMpower GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraTo raise funds for promoting community development,cooperation,science and technology in Ghana. To establish and maintain energy,water and food supply facilities for communities in Ghana07/05/20246/05/2025
Edward Kaguah FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraFunding school fees of needy children,feeding the poor,counseling children.07/05/20246/05/2025
Christian Parents MovementHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraHelp christian parensts to raise Godly chiildren and support widows,single mothers and orphans.07/05/20246/05/2025
She’s Protected InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraEmpower survivors of human trafficking with skills training and economic empowerment07/05/20246/05/2025
Firstjoy FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraTo support needy and deprived families, provide skill training for the vulnerable07/05/202406/05/2025
The Development EducatorsHumanitarian BasedNationalBuilsa NorthUpper EastEducation,Health,Food And Agriculture07/05/202406/05/2025
Danish Children Welfare FundHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiProvision of sponsorship funds to support orphan and needy children for fees, food,clothing and educational materials07/05/202406/05/2025
AGYENKWA 1589Humanitarian BasedNationalNew JuabengEasternTo promote civic education in rural communities. To support women in small scale business07/05/202406/05/2025
The Aquaya InsituteHumanitarian BasedInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide clean water for all07/05/202406/05/2025
Bethany Christian Services GlobalHumanitarian BasedInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraYouth Development17/05/202416/05/2025
Maltiti FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraProviding Support to Women Living in Deprived Communities in Northern Ghana.17/05/202416/05/2025
Empowerment For Sustainable Livelihood (EFSL)Humanitarian BasedNationalSunyaniBonoYouth Development17/05/202416/05/2025
Akwaaba Nippon FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Provide Educational Sponsorship, Make Donations to the Needy in the Society and to Introduce Japanese Culture into Ghana.17/05/202416/05/2025
Loszu Ghana AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiIntercultural Learning17/05/202416/05/2025
F.D. Memorial Street Child ProgramHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiProviding Support for Street Children and Orphans.17/05/202416/05/2025
Glorious Hand FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNew JuabenEasternPoor and Needy17/05/202416/05/2025
Sabre EducationEducational BasedNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraEducation17/05/202416/05/2025
Songtaba AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernHealth/Population17/05/202416/05/2025
Tim Africa Aid GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAhafo Ano NorthAshantiAwareness creation, Advocacy, Research, Monitoring and evaluation17/05/202416/05/2025
Mother Of Mercy Babies Home – SiriguHumanitarian BasedNationalKassena NankanaUpper EastAbandoned Babies17/05/202416/05/2025
Community Development AllianceHumanitarian BasedNationalWa MunicipalUpper WestWomen & Children Affairs17/05/202416/05/2025
Adventist Development And Relief Agency (ADRA)Humanitarian BasedInternationalKorle Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraPoverty Alleviation17/05/202416/05/2025
The Nygard FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Advance the Education of Children in Ghana Particularly by establishing and Operting a school or schools in the Country and To Prevent or Relieve Poverty in Ghan by Providing or Assisting in the Provision of Educdation, Training, Healthcare Projects and all the necessary support to enable individuals to generate a Sustainable Income and be Self-Sufficient.17/05/202416/05/2025
African Leadership SocietyHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo promote good governance and development inAfrica. To undertake capacity building projects and other leadership development programs in Africa.17/05/202416/05/2025
The Twi Language Organization in GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAkuapim NorthEasternTo produce materials in Akan Twi to promote the language.17/05/202416/05/2025
Afro VolunteersHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo provide free healthcare for the poor and needy. To volunteers from various countries to support and help the vulnerable and less privileged.17/05/202416/05/2025
Transformative Impact Network Ghana (TIN)Humanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorhternTo strengthen democratic institutions, enhance civil education and advocate for transparent and accountable government at all levels. Women empowerment, research development.17/05/202416/05/2025
Sustainable Development & Relief AssociatesHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WetsGreater AccraInfluencing policy decision at all levels, providing practical solution to climate change adaptability and resilience.17/05/202416/05/2025
Black Horizon FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKorley KlotteyGreater AccraGender empowerment programs. Skill training programs and center. Agricultural development initiatives. Microenterprise support initiatives17/05/202416/05/2025
Global Faithful God NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokwaAshantiTo help and support nursing mothers and sickle cell patients, to help and support the poor and needy in the society17/05/202416/05/2025
Fame FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBolgatangaUpper EastTo raise funds to help women, children and disabled persons and the communiy, charity works17/05/202416/05/2025
Africa Governance CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraDevelop and deliver capacity building programs that are tailored to the needs of African Institutions and individuals, establish a mentorship program to provide guidance and support for emerging leaders in the governance issues in Africa with a focus on topics such as digital governace, climate change and gender equality.17/05/202416/05/2025
OD Quartey FoundationNationalTema WestGreater AccraProviding award for most improved student, supporting17/05/202416/05/2025
Nasat FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo bring hope the homeless especially single young mothers17/05/202416/05/2025
Keep the Change FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraHelping the underprivileged children. School donations. Charity work17/05/202416/05/2025
Dorcas Okineblessin FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraProviding educational support for the needy, providing shelter and basic needs for the orphans, skills development training programs for brilliant but needy individuals.17/05/202416/05/2025
Asdev FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernWomen and youth empowerment, agriculture and food security, climate action and environmental sustainability, water, health and sanitation, advocacy and enabling policy environment.17/05/202416/05/2025
Mdeya FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation on girl-child trafficking, to empower widows. To stop boy-child street begging. To protect working minor to avoid exploitation gadgets informational and education outreach17/05/202416/05/2025
CH Group FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraBuilding schools for rural communities. Providing sattionery for rural schols17/05/202416/05/2025
Up and Shine FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam-AdoagyiriEasternDisability tamise, education, disability sport and vocation training.17/05/202416/05/2025
African Development CouncilHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraAdvocate for policies that support industrial development in Africa. Facilitate development of innovative industrial solutions to Africa’s most pressing challenges such as poverty, hunger, diseases and climate change.17/05/202416/05/2025
Engenderhealth GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo educate and promote high quality gender-equitable programs, to educate andd promote sexual reproductive health rights.17/05/202416/05/2025
African Youth Empowerment and Development NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo promote and empower the youth to support children’s right and education, promote innovative means to reduce poverty, conflicts and engage citizens wisely.17/05/202416/05/2025
Bernard Tekpetey FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu SenyaCnetralTraining of young talented children through sport.17/05/202416/05/2025
The Overcomer MinistryFaith/Humanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraTo teach, preach and win souls for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ. Come to the aid of the needy and the orphans.17/05/202416/05/2025
Spaces for Youth Development and Social ChangeHumanitarian BasedInternationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraTo conduct cutting-edge research aimed at increasing civic spaces for citizens participation in governance. Provide technical assistance to government, corporation and bisinesses regarding human right policies.17/05/202416/05/2025
Aforo Asiamah – Adjei Charitable FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo fund the establishment , operation, administration and maintenance of an orhanage. To provide funds for the health care of orphans.17/05/202416/05/2025
Akuapem Hills FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraDelivering programmes related to health, education and sanitation while supporting community development, cultural and reforestation projects.17/05/202416/05/2025
Prisem FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraCharity activities17/05/202416/05/2025
Navrongo – Bolgatanga Catholic Diosecan Development OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalBolgatangaUpper EastAgriculture livelihood and food security, promotion of good governance, justice and peace, water and sanitation, rural enterprise development, disaster risk reduction and relief.17/05/202416/05/2025
Truly Well HealthHumanitarian BasedNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralTo provide fitness, nutrition and wellness coaching to the aged and vulnerable17/05/202416/05/2025
Cybershield InitiativeEducational basedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo promote child online saftey. Teacher training and capacity building. Parent education and support. Monitoring and evaluation of trained techers, parents and children on cyber safety.17/05/202416/05/2025
Chamber of Iron & Steel Industry – GhanaHumanitarian Based.NationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo advocate for iron and steel companies in fair and transparent manner. To offer networking opportunities for iron and steel companies who register as members of the chamber.17/05/202416/05/2025
Francis Faki Amanquah Fouation (FFAF)Humanitarian Based.NationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraProviding scholarship for needy students to study computer science.17/05/202416/05/2025
Harakati Za MuunganoHumanitarian Based.NationalKorle KlotteyGreater AccraPromoting socio-political polices. To push for progressive reforms and structural transformation in the educational, healthcare, housing infrastructional, energy and water resource sector.17/05/202416/05/2025
Gusty Women FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAdentanGreater AccraChanging negative attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of the public that are the main barriers and obstacles for women’s peace. To promote women role and contribution in the political process, decision making development and women participation to peace building.17/05/202416/05/2025
Lawpong FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAgona WestCentralDistribution of equipment, toiletries and assorted food items to deprived ccommunities17/05/202416/05/2025
Dua Pa InitiativeHumanitarian Based.NationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraIncrease the success and balance of people in society through employee engagement initiatives and assessment. Improve organization success by providing employee feedback that can be used to create happy workplaces.17/05/202416/05/2025
Elucid Social GhanaHumanitarian Based.NationalSuhumEasternProviding free medical screening and paying medical bills for less privileged farmers17/05/202416/05/2025
Access To BasicsHumanitarian Based.NationalAdentanGreater AccraEducational needs for children. Health/wash for school. Sustainable livelihoods. Policy and advocacy on gender, cultural and social transformation17/05/202416/05/2025
A.A.K. Marriage FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAsokwaAshantiMarriage and family building17/05/202416/05/2025
Graso Skills Traning FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAgona WestCentralTo offer skills training to the youth, women and vulnerable in the society. To help the youth, women and vulnerable to have a skill set that will make them a major force in economic development.17/05/202416/05/2025
Federation of Canadian MuncipalitiesHumanitarian Based.InternationalKorle KlotteyGreater AccraTo increase the participation of women, particularly those from marginalized groups. To support awareness raising, media campaigns, advocacy, networking and knowledge exchange.17/05/202416/05/2025
Al Barakaat Charity FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernPropagating Islam to people in a peaceful way. Working towards the development of Muslims especially women.17/05/202416/05/2025
The David Ashaley Nikoi FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAdentanGreater AccraTo provide education scholarships to the poor and underpriveged within the community. To provie financial support to widows and aged.17/05/202416/05/2025
Rural Empowerment Advocacy ProjectHumanitarian Based.NationalGa WestGreater AccraTo assist and empower the youth in rural community through technical and vocational support. To support the needy in rural community.17/05/202416/05/2025
Intake 12 FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalKponeGreater AccraPromote socail welfare of members through education, trade and vocational training. Identify and assist vulnerable groups in the community.17/05/202416/05/2025
Amediewu Honey FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsuogyamahEasternTo train selected youtj in operational area in beekeeping & honey production and equip trainees to practise skills17/05/202416/05/2025
Creating Possibilities Outreach GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo provide technical abilities to farmers17/05/202416/05/2025
Lifenet InternationalHumanitarian BasedInternationalWeija-Gbawe Municipal AssemblyGreater AccraTo improve health workers performance through training17/05/202416/05/2025
Asise Kepu FoundationHumanitarian BasedCBOKrachi EastOtiEnvironmental restoration, tree planting, waste collection & management, farming, tourism18/04/2024
Faithland Christian SupportHumanitarian BasedCBOTema MetropolitanGreater AccraAssist people to obtain employable skills. Provide financial assistance to support needy school pupils. Provide personal development training.18/04/2024
MODERN THINKERS FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDCBOASANTI AKIM NORTHASHANTITo provide advocacy for the rights of the aged, to help the district in alleviating poverty17/05/202416/05/2025
African Forum for Research And Education in HealthEducational BasedInternationalOforikrom MunicipalAshantiEducation30/05/2024
Children Believe FundEducational BasedInternationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernEducation30/05/2024
Project ShareCommunity DevelopmentNationalGusheguNorthernAgriculture30/05/2024
Green Advocacy GhanaHumanitarian BasdNationalTema West MetropolitanGreater AccraAgriculture & Food Security30/05/2024
Echoing Hills Village, GhanaEducational BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation30/05/2024
Developing Kids – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernProvision of Educational Activities for Children and Other Educational Opportunities for the Community.30/05/2024
Tiyumtaba Chidren and Widows DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernTo Provide Quality Education for the Needy Orphans in the Society, To Provide Skills for the Widows and Orphans and to give Assistance o Orphans and Widows.30/05/2024
Don Bosco Youth Network-West Africa OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAshaiman MunicipalGreater AccraTo Provide Reading materials for the Islamic Mass Media.30/05/2024
OafricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraWomen and Children in Development30/05/2024
Agape Gospel Mission – GhanaFaith BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraReligious Development30/05/2024
Engage Now AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalOsu Klottey MunicpalGreater AccraTo Assist the Underprivileged30/05/2024
Redeeming Hands FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Raise Funds for the Medical Treatment for Needy Children.30/05/2024
Weep Not Child FoundationCommunity DevelopmentNationalNsawam – AdoagyiriGa West MunicipalCommunity Development30/05/2024
Africaid Whizzkids UnitedHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo Build Community Capacity for Development and Engaging Local Authority.30/05/2024
Care And Social Development OrganizationEducational BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraEducation30/05/2024
Rafiki Foundation IncEducational BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraEducation and care for orphans30/05/2024
Educoa – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraHealth care for vulnerable30/05/2024
Yoga Meditation TeachingFaith BasedNationalAsokwaAshantiReligious Development30/05/2024
Mercy FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternStreet Children30/05/2024
Tactical Educational Approaches to Character and HealthHumanitarian BasedNationalGomoa CentralCentralTo provide Humanitarian aid30/05/2024
Royal Promise FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsuogyamanEasternTo Support Orhanage Homes, Mission Minded People and Churches to meet their Physical and Spritual need of their Community for Spread of the Gospel.30/05/2024
Workers FundHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Provide Welfare Sevices to its Members.30/05/2024
Send GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzekuku-KroworGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research30/05/202429/05/2025
CIWED-GHANAHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale South DistrictNorthernHelping the Needy in the Society.30/05/202429/05/2025
Mind Builders Africa FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraPoverty alleviation, education and skill business development, health care and well being. Gender equality and women empowerment.30/05/202429/05/2025
Mafio Ajo & Awisi Mamaa FounationHumanitarian Based.NationalAkyem-Abuakwa SouthEasternHelping improve maternal health in rural areas, supporting rural child education, enabling youth employment, helping improve sanitation and portable drinking water.30/05/202429/05/2025
Frank’s Foundation for ChildrenHumanitarian Based.NationalSene WestBono EastTo provide support in nutrition, health, learning and development. Child protection, water, sanitation, housing and information to children30/05/202429/05/2025
Al-Najaashi Centre for Propagation and DevelopmentHumanitarian Based.NationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernPropagating Islam to people in peaceful methods, assisting on provision of necessay nds by Islami ommunitis. Extend charity to generality of mankind.30/05/202429/05/2025
Golden Coin FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo help the needy to achieve educational and vocational objectives.30/05/202429/05/2025
Mummy’s Health FoundationHumanitarian Based.NationalAsokwaAshantiTo provide health service to the needy. To help the poor when it comes to health issues30/05/202429/05/2025
Lifeline for Childhood Cancer GhanaHumanitarian Based.NationalAyawso CentralGreater AccraTo raise funds for cancer treatment in children. Create awareness of childhood cancer. Facilitate access to medical care for children with cancer30/05/202429/05/2025
Authentic ClassicsHumanitarian Based.NationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help the poor and needy both in cash and in kind, to seek the welfare of its members30/05/202429/05/2025
Sight for the Rural ChildHumanitarian Based.NationalSagneriguNorthernImproving vision an eye health for children in rural areas including vision screening, comprehensive eye care services, eye examinations, provision of eye glasses, conduct educational programs to raise awareness about eye health and promote preventive measures.30/05/202429/05/2025
R122Humanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraPromote education and skills development, advocate foor the regional of mindset positively and transformation of lives through teaching and learning, support activities to foster community development.30/05/202429/05/2025
Tungteiya Women’s AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernEducation on child & women rights, processing of shea butter17/05/202416/05/2025
Samaritan Dialysis FundHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraTo solicit for funds to help distressed dialysis patients. To organize activities and functions to raise funds to assist dialysis patients in distress.30/05/202429/05/2025
Compad – GhHumanitarian BasedNationalDormaa WestBonoCommunity development addvoay. Environmental protection health. Education, women andd youth mpowerment. Agriculture30/05/202429/05/2025
Environmental Law and Policy Intiative, GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEnvironmental conservation, climate change, sustainable development and clean energy advocacy, research and legal support.30/05/202429/05/2025
Bono Family WorldwideHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help communities and the needy30/05/202429/05/2025
Zara Cares FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraCharity Organization30/05/202429/05/2025
Aspire Beyond Girl Child FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanKumasiGirl Child Advocacy30/05/202429/05/2025
The Pos FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraHuman Right Advocate30/05/202429/05/2025
Election has Consequences MovementHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraProvide capacity training services. Provide research consultancy services.30/05/202429/05/2025
SarkAkyere FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo give hope and build better future for others by investing in child well-being, churches, orphanages, prisions and providing help in diverse ways. To provide support for humanity especially children and improving their future.30/05/202429/05/2025
Tanyigbe Development FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalHoVoltaTo promote and support Tanyigbe community development initaitives. Source funding for Tanyigbe community development activitiees.30/05/202429/05/2025
Leg – Up FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNantonNorthernTo provide skill training in traditional handicrafts and artifacts for the youth, empowering the youth through skills training and health service delivery to young females.30/05/202429/05/2025
Green ButterflyHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraDeveloping ecofriendly industry and lifestyle30/05/202429/05/2025
Upcycle GreensHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraRecycling. Providing resources for recycling. Collection and processing of plastic waste30/05/202429/05/2025
Northern Regional Development InitaitiveHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernMobilizing the youth for professional and entrepreneurship development, exploring, refining and preserving the natural resources in Dagbang communities for development activities.30/05/202429/05/2025
Boy Child Supportive Care FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo provide philanthropy activities. Capacity building. Training and support for the needy.30/05/202429/05/2025
Black Banq FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalBekwai MunicipalGreater AccraTo connect young leaders of tomorrow with the trailblazers of today and give self freedom to the needy, abused young children and adult. Create sustainable health care and sanitation, education, culture and heritage stability and innovate communities around the globe30/05/202429/05/2025
Rufa Focus AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralTo provide the needed support to the poor and vulnerable in the society in other to make them financially sustainable30/05/202429/05/2025
Hands And Heart Global OutreachHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiPoverty Relief30/05/202429/05/2025
The Sunshine Children’s FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo create opportunities for young underprivileged Ghanaians by providing medium to long term support for their participation in education30/05/202429/05/2025
African Canadian Centre For Employment And Skills Development (Acesd)Humanitarian Based.NationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernPromote and provide both skills and employment, to educate, encourage, equip, and support jobb seekers and employers30/05/202429/05/2025
Springforth Foundation International LBGHUMANITARIAN BASEDCBOGa East MunicipalGreater AccraEducation30/05/2024
Oti Youth Training Empowerment & AgricultureHumanitarian BasedCBOKrachiOtiTo train youth in agriculture climate change, fish farming and animal rearing.14/06/202413/06/2025
Plusone CharityHumanitarian Based.NationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSupport Children with learning and Behaviourial difficulties14/06/202413/06/2025
Education Sub-Saharan AfricaEducational BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraEducation14/06/202413/06/2025
ALL GOD’S CHILDREN INTERNATIONALHumanitarian BasedInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHumanitarian14/06/202413/06/2025
KAM RECYCLING ASSOCIATIONHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraEducation and trainning in Waste Management14/06/202413/06/2025
Lebanon Veterans Charity FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo help the needy in the society and provide water in the remote villages14/06/202413/06/2025
Sim-West Africa Mission OfficeFaith BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraPartnering with churches to mobilize, train, send and sustain teams of missionaries to plant churches worldwide14/06/202413/06/2025
AI EqualifyHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraTo provide a holistic transformation of children of school going age affected by poverty by exposing them to quality education resources and life changing innnovations that developed areas offer14/06/202413/06/2025
Guide Educational FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshanti RegionTo provide financial assistance to students that need it and support their academic development through mentorship programs, online classes, sports and establishment of school infrastructure14/06/202413/06/2025
The Sunshine Volunteers OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshanti RegionTo assist in the development of children in foster care homes, assist studnets with theur academic development, suppory health facilities, promote sports14/06/202413/06/2025
Corp Nation FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEffia KwesimintsimWesternTo provide a holistic transformation of young people and disadvanged communities by offering training, empowerment and exposure to life-changing innovations14/06/202413/06/2025
Impact Investing GhanaEconomic basedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo increase knowledge on social investment among players14/06/202413/06/2025
Childrens’ Rescue Initiative (CRI)Humanitarian BasedNationalAkuapem SouthEastern RegionAdvocate that all people have the right to their freedom, placing high value on integrity, honesty and character14/06/202413/06/2025
Coginta GhanaCommunity DevelopmentInternationalSagnariguNorthernHuman security, peace building and capacity building of national institutions14/06/202413/06/2025
Foundation for Educational Equity and DevelopmentEducational BasedNationalShai OsudokuGreater AccraTo expand literacy opportunities to children in rural areas through reading, arts and creative play. To provide mentorship and support for junior high school graduates21/06/202420/06/2025
Maam Empowerment FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo support women, children and less privileged group21/06/202420/06/2025
Mako Children’s Oppprtunity CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalHohoeVoltaTo mobilize key resources and programming that support healthy child development for vulnerable in rural Ghana, as well as edcation opportunities21/06/202420/06/2025
Jane Badu Boateng Educational FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo provide educational opportunities for members of the community especially females. To provide sponsorship of skills training to the in the community.21/06/202420/06/2025
Youth Around the WorldvFoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso CentralGreater AccraYouth empowerment in community development. Youth in Agriculture. Youth in Sanitation. Yputh in Education and handicap enchancement21/06/202420/06/2025
Lift Mankind FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam AdoagyiriEasternProviding relief to the poor and vulnerable in the community. Supporting the less privileged with educational amenities and healthcare.06/06/202405/06/2025
Africa Center for Governance & Economic Management (ACGEM)Humanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraGovernance/policy research and advocacy, economic and mangement06/06/202405/06/2025
Azubi AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraSkills training. Capacity building. To help the needy in the socciety06/06/202405/06/2025
The Menaeni FoundationFaith BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo help exploited and under privileged children find their Godly purposes and to live a much better safe and comfortable lives to become respected people of values and substance in the society by the grace and mercies of God.06/06/202405/06/2025
Sybil FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo provide general educational scholarships, medical educational scholarships and community improvement missions06/06/202405/06/2025
Nawonu FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam AdoagyiriEasternTo support the education of the girl child, provide training and skills development of yound girls to become entreprenurs.06/06/202405/06/2025
EcoEmpower AllianceHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernAdocacy to safe guard our terrestrial andd marine ecosystem. Empowering communities through susatainable practices for adaptability and resilience towards climate change.06/06/202405/06/2025
Rural Resilience FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo seek the empowerment communities in the northern regions through skills training, education and advocacy.06/06/202405/06/2025
ST. Joana FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide support for the underprivileged boy and girl child focusing on their basic education, basic healthcare, social well being and lifestyel needs.06/06/202405/06/2025
New Generation Blue Sky FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa NorthGreater AccraTo provide support for children06/06/202405/06/2025
Health and Humanitarian Aid FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSekondi TakoradiWesternTo provide medical and humanitaran to citizen of Ghana affeted by famine, poverty, disaster, or war. Doctor exchange program for local doctors and residents in certain surgical specialist06/06/202405/06/2025
Femtech Africa FoundationEducational basedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo empower females in science, technonlogy, engineering and mathemattics. To empower and build capacity in technical and vocational skills, project management, mentoring and coaching woth a sustainability mindset.06/06/202405/06/2025
Micheal Kunke FoundationEducational basedNationalKomenda Edina EguafoCentralTo promote quality education. To create opportunity for less privileged.06/06/202405/06/2025
GaiacareHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraHelp protect the environment, protect watershed and other eco systems, contribute to improved sanitation, improved environmental education and campaigns.06/06/202405/06/2025
Nokore Bobe FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo help improve the livelihood of the aged and needy children within our operational areas, through finance donation, food supplies etc.06/06/202405/06/2025
Good Faith World, Earth & Ship OutreachHumanitarian/Faith BasedNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo assist the needy and wrongfully accused person in prison, to spread the gospel of God all over the world06/06/202405/06/2025
Umusi Wenkosi Cultural Youth CenterHumanitarian BasedNationalAshaimanGreater AccraTo provide cultural troupe for entertainment and social gathering06/06/202405/06/2025
Dream HuntHumanitarian BasedNationalTema CentralGreater Accracare for the child. Youth inclusion for development. Container libraries in deprived areas. Support women in technology. Environmental care compaigns.06/06/202405/06/2025
Idith FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralTo help the needy, to provide financial support and humanitarian aid06/06/202405/06/2025
Africa Institute of Agricultural TechnologyEducational basedNationalAsante Akim CentalAshantiTo offer technical vocational education and training(TVET) to churn out skilled manpower. To offer steam education to provide technology driven graduates for SMEs and industrial development.06/06/202405/06/2025
Northern Ghana Agribusiness Actors NetworkHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MunicipalNorthernDevelop and strengthen actors, groups, networks and cooperatives. Create multistakeholder plateforms for coordinating, collaboration and team work.06/06/202405/06/2025
Health for all by Princess KukuaHealth BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraProvide free health screenings to under privileged communities in Ghana to detect and prevent diseases at an early stage.06/06/202405/06/2025
Global Media FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSunyaniBonoResearch and advocacy capacity building information dissemination.06/06/202405/06/2025
OPS Room CharlieHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraData collection and analysis for policy advisory work. Identifiation and development of livelihood and empowerment projects and programs in communities.06/06/202405/06/2025
NkraniHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraUtilizing local talent to find innovative solution06/06/202405/06/2025
Think Ability Foundation GhanaEducational/Health basedNationalNingo PrampramGreater AccraTo help pupils with learning disability or neouro developmental delays maximize life by giving adaptive skills06/06/202405/06/2025
Deaf Rights Advocacy Centre-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernTo increase access of deaf people for information on their rights, legal processes and access to justice. To promote the inclusion of the concerns of deaf people in legistration, policies and services.06/06/202405/06/2025
Jews Favour FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraTo seek welfare of it’s members. To help the needy in the community. To contribute to the reduction of misery and eradication of poverty focusing on the support of the vulnerable and disabled groups.06/06/202405/06/2025
Start Up Discovery School AfricaHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzorkuku KroworGreater AccraWe design and build business accelerations and incubators for early stage climate tech startups in Africa.06/06/202405/06/2025
Alliance for Governance & Sustainable DevelopmentCommunity developmentNationalSecondi TakoradiWesternCommunity development06/06/202405/06/2025
Monk ReflectionsHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawasoGreater AccraMission works. To help the needy, widows, unemployed and less privilege in the community through donations and provision of social amenties. To provide skills training for the youth and unemployed in the community to eradicate poverty.06/06/202405/06/2025
Circularize for ChangeHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo accelerate Africa’s transition to a circular economy through advocacy, policy research and the implementation of sustainable projects.06/06/202405/06/2025
Teepalig Rural ReforestationHumanitarian BasedNationalTalensiUpper EastIncrease prouctivity of forest, maintain environmental stability, production of species of economical values, control soil erosion and conserve the natural water spring, protect wildlife and maintain ecological balance for current and future generation, protection of forest from deforestation.06/06/202405/06/2025
To my Aid Ghana FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraSocial and practical help for vulnerable people, political researching and entrepreneurial06/06/202405/06/2025
ACM FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraProviding Shelter and basic amenities for the privilege in rural communities. Providing medial consumables for hospitals. Encouraging the education of the girl child through free scholarship06/06/202405/06/2025
Noble AgeHumanitarian BasedNationalHohoeVoltaTo help the aged14/06/202413/06/2025
Support and Empower Women FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo help widows and single mothers14/06/202413/06/2025
Potentials Aid FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraPoverty eradication by payment of school fees and feeding fees. Food security, nutrition and agriculture by planting for food. Bulding classrooms for equitable quality education. Good healthcare, ensure healthy lives and promote well being.14/06/202413/06/2025
Black Star Marathon FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraSport marketing and advocacy, staging marathon and road running events, sports scholarships and endowment funds, managing sporting talents, health promotion and keep fit14/06/202413/06/2025
J.E.A Mills Memorial HeritageHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo continue to deepen president JEA Mills excellence in law, taxation and sports. To build and project the president JEA Mills brand as a model servant leader who invested in people.14/06/202413/06/2025
Transformhope AllianceHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwatanangGreater AccraTo support less privileged women and childdren in the society.14/06/202413/06/2025
West Africa Sustainable Environments and Economic Development SolutionHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo support and assist in landscape restoration, environmental conservation and mangemnt in our community.14/06/202413/06/2025
Ama Yeduah Foundation P.A.Y.EHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraBreast cancer awareness, early detection, prevention and cure. Girl child education. Education on domestic abuse. Abuse awareness and prevention in the youth14/06/202413/06/2025
Rahma Charity OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalKwabre EastAshantiProvision of educational support to underprivileged persons14/06/202413/06/2025
Victory Ways FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOffinso-SouthAshantiTo identify the potential and harness the skills of the under privileged in society.14/06/202413/06/2025
Global Institute for Mindset Transformation and Attitude ChangeHumanitarian BasedNationalOforikromAshantiMindset Transformation resarh and training, attitudinal change research and training, public and private sector efficiency improvemeent research and training. Organizing change management an leadership deevelopment programmes.14/06/202413/06/2025
Hope4all Youth ProgramHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokukuGreater AccraTo assist students to preapre adequately for higher academic pursuits and achieve excellence in their chosen career. To provide career guidance and counselling to students.14/06/202413/06/2025
Greenfield FoundationCommunity developmentNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraHelping deprived communities to develop in terms of infrastructural development14/06/202413/06/2025
Bermint FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalWinnebaCentralTo ensure the basic needs of individuals in rural communities are accessible to all. To eliminate inferioeity complex among equals and provide opportunities for all in deprived community.14/06/202413/06/2025
Hig FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo engage in charity work with focus on (not limited to Education, Health, Social issues)14/06/202413/06/2025
International Children’s FundHumanitarian BasedNationalOsu KlotteyGreater AccraTo meet desperate need of countless improverished children polling them away from the brink of starvation, disease and victimization. To provide books, food and clothing for needy children14/06/202413/06/2025
Lumiere FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraHumantarian assistance and disaster relief education and skills development, Health care and public health initiatives, environmental conservation, women and children development14/06/202413/06/2025
The Golden Chain FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo aid in giving the youth aged 12-18 a better education through the provision of basic necessities such as books and stationery.14/06/202413/06/2025
Mingo FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo provide education for the poor and needy in society. Advocate on human right. Provide skill training for the youth14/06/202413/06/2025
Ridwanun Minallah FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAsokore MampongAshantiHelping the needy in the society14/06/202413/06/2025
Blossom Heights FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo equip unemployed college graduates with technical skills needed for meaninful careeres14/06/202413/06/2025
Heirs of the Father Outreach FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraCharity Donation14/06/202413/06/2025
Al-Bayan Founation for Community Services.NationalTechiman NorthBono-East14/06/202413/06/2025
ban Africa FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraFundraising for ccharities, scholarships for youth, skills training for underserved, capacity building.14/06/202413/06/2025
Naasuma School of Excellence in Hospitality FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku Krowor.Greater AccraTo provide vocational training to members in the community especially thee youth14/06/202413/06/2025
Jita Global MinistryFaith BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraTo empower christians for personal involvement in missions to evangelize and win souls for christ. To provide plateform through which individual provide support for missionary work.14/06/202413/06/2025
Among the Three Love MissionHumanitarian BasedNationalBongoUpper EastEnhacing educational development, health, peace and stability. Water and sanitation among widows an youth empowerment.21/06/202420/06/2025
Ghana Xchange Volunteer OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraTo provide access to good education. To help uplift manpower development. To promote the exchange of cultures between countries. To help preserve the environment. To promote health care.21/06/202420/06/2025
A Dose of Encouragement InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraHelping the needy and less privilege in society, community development and support to orphanages.21/06/202420/06/2025
Center for Transatlantic Leadership and Progressive Studies FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKorley KlotteyGreater AccraTo improve community and engagement to evolve in academic initiatives and decision making to enhance and implement strategic curriculums that fits the goals of the 21st centuary.21/06/202420/06/2025
Primary Group Global FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo promote, encourage, enhance and foster the common good and human development supportive services and social welfare of all people regardless of race creed, color national origi or gender.21/06/202420/06/2025
Hope Stars Academy AssociationHumanitarian BasedNationalNew Juaben NorthEasternSupporting the less privileged in the society through sporting activities.21/06/202420/06/2025
Gold Coast Nutrition FundHumanitarian BasedNationalKwaebibirem NorthEasternServing free meals to deprived communities schools, support for communities21/06/202420/06/2025
Way Coaching GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo provide education and training environment for the children future. To provide humanitarian services. To establish sports center in onjuntion with high school for less privilege21/06/202420/06/2025
The Larbi FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraAdvancing and championing the cause of the less advantanged in our community.21/06/202420/06/2025
Chamber of Women in AgribusinessHumanitarian BasedNationalAbokobi PantangGreater AccraTo provide financial assistance to women in the community in agribusiness. To organise health programs for women in the community.21/06/202420/06/2025
Global Health UnfilteredHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzokuku KroworGreater AccraAdvocating for global health through podcasts and socail media21/06/202420/06/2025
G – Wealth Health OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma NorthGreater AccraEducate and give advisory services to women and children in rural areas.21/06/202420/06/2025
Rising Sun VolunteersHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraVolunteers to do humanitarian work21/06/202420/06/2025
Ghana chamber of Young EnterprenuersHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTo groom and connect young enterprenuers. To support start ups. To organize enterprenueral tarining seminars for young enterprenues.21/06/202420/06/2025
PathaidHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo provide life changing education. Healthcare and breakthrough research21/06/202420/06/2025
Adriel Light Youth Empowerment InitiativesHumanitarian BasedNationalNew JuabanEasternTo promote entainment andd health related services to the aged and less privileged in the society21/06/202420/06/2025
FRHH FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo provide education on and destigmatise the conversation on female reproduction health and hygiene in Ghanaian Homes and schools.21/06/202420/06/2025
My Wright Path FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAblekuma CentralGreater AccraTo support the needy and the vulnerable21/06/202420/06/2025
Ambassadors of Stem InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraTo provide a catalyst for change by training and educating children around the globe, community based organizations and educational institutions especially in the field of stem21/06/202420/06/2025
Prissy Home Care FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo provide assistance to needy children and the aged21/06/202420/06/2025
Pharma Innovation AfricaEducational BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraEducation and advocacy for pharmaceutical innovation in Africa and beyond21/06/202420/06/2025
Butterfly Ghana FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKetaVoltaTo run a special school. To organise empowerment programmes21/06/202420/06/2025
Christ Addict GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraConnect Christian Youth in Africa to inspire community development21/06/202420/06/2025
Valerie Cares FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo develop and inspire young make up and beauty creatives from challenging background, creating networking opportunities, addressing socio economic issues21/06/202420/06/2025
WomenstrustEducational BasedNationalGa NorthGreater AccraEducation6/6/20245/6/2025
The ExploratoryHumanitarian BasedNationalNsawam Adoagyire MunicipalEasternAlleviate Poverty6/6/20245/6/2025
Shea Network-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu DistrictNorthernPlatform to share Shea Information6/6/20245/6/2025
A Rocha GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection6/6/20245/6/2025
Green Africa Youth OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo Research and Provide Solutions to Pressing Environmental Issues.6/6/20245/6/2025
Afro-Sino Centre of International RelationsHumanitarian BasedNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraResearch Consultancy, To Undertake research on Chinese Engagement in Africa.6/6/20245/6/2025
SOS Children’s Village GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation6/6/20245/6/2025
Paediatric Society of GhanaHeath BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanAshantiPromotion of Friendship and Understanding among Paediatricians and all Professionals dedicated to the Developnment.6/6/20245/6/2025
Bless the Children International HomeHumanitarian BasedNationalKwawu EastEasternSupport the Needy14/06/202413/06/2025
Pyxera GlobalHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSmall Scale Entrprise Development14/06/202413/06/2025
Mercy Home CareHumanitarian BasedNationalTema WestGreater AccraCare for the Aged14/06/202413/06/2025
King Salman Islamic Welfare AidHumanitarian BasedNationalWeija-GbaweGreater AccraCreate livelihood opportunites for poor people to ehance their economic well being14/06/202413/06/2025
RUWA-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo Encourage tbhe Organization and Registration of Women and children group for their Mutual benefit.14/06/202413/06/2025
Africa Centre for Education and Community DvelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection for Sustainable Development, Technical and Vocational Skills Training for the Less Privileged in tdhe Society.14/06/202413/06/2025
Ubora Quality InstituteHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraYouth Development14/06/202413/06/2025
Association Of Church Development ProjectsHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernAgriculture & Food Security14/06/202413/06/2025
Foundation OnyameHumanitarian BasedNationalGa-CentralGreater AccraWomen & Children Affair14/06/202413/06/2025
The Ghana Initiative Mobile Medical MissionHumanitarian BasedNationalAkwapim South District AssemblyEasternProvide Free Medical Dental and Optical Care.14/06/202413/06/2025
Search For Rural DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalSeneBono EastTo promote education on income generating activities for th youth, to educate the youth on primary health care, leprosy, guinea worm eradication, sanitation and on environmental protection. To provide crop production, processing, storage and marketing.14/06/202413/06/2025
Inspire To Act (I.T.A)Humanitarian BasedNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo Empower Young People for Personal Development.14/06/202413/06/2025
Ghana Wildlife SocietyHumanitarian BasedNationalKorle Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraProvide Information on all aspects of Wildlife to the General Public and to Promote Establishment and Proper Management of Wildlife Protected areas in Ghana.14/06/202413/06/2025
Roshelle Brago Boakye FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraProvision of Quality Life for People Living with Downs Syndrome.21/06/202420/06/2025
Japanese Organisation For International Co-operation In Family PlanningHumanitarian BasedInternationalSuhum MunipalEasternAdvocate for sexual reproduictive health and rights21/06/202420/06/2025
World Of FriendsEducationNationalBerekum WestBonoEducation21/06/202420/06/2025
United States Pharmacopeia-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraHealth/Population21/06/202420/06/2025
Dream Believe Achieve foundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo Provide Mentorng Support and Services for the Youth..21/06/202420/06/2025
Inspire Global IdeasCommunity DevelopmentNationalAgona EastCentralCommunity/Rural Development21/06/202420/06/2025
West African Primate Conservation ActionCommunity DevelopmentNationalOkaikwei NorthGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection21/06/202420/06/2025
Canadian Feed The ChildrenHumanitarian BasedInternationalSagnariguNorthernAgriculture & Food Security21/06/202420/06/2025
People and Development AssociatesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa WestGreater AccraHealth/Population19/07/202418/07/2025
Rainforest AllianceCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection19/7/202418/7/2025
African Gifted Foundation GhanaEducational BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation19/7/202418/7/2025
Willingway Recovery CentreHumanitarian BasedNationalEjisuAshantiSensitization on mental health7/19/20247/18/2025
Annur Organization for Humanitarian ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalKpone KatamansoGreater AccraTo support the education of orphaned children especially in muslim communities7/19/20247/18/2025
Zel Cares FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraDonating educational materials to needy by brilliant students, providing social amenities to rural communities7/19/20247/18/2025
Every Small HelpsHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraEducation, Women and Children Affairs and Envronmental Protection…..7/19/20247/18/2025
African Futures InstituteHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation and Vocational Skills , Culture&Youth7/19/20247/18/2025
Fifty Fifty InitiativeHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernPromote equal participation of both men and women in the community7/19/20247/18/2025
Obohen Community Development Charitable TrustHumanitarian BasedNationalAbora Asebu KwamankeseCentralTo lead the development projects in the Abora Obohen community7/19/20247/18/2025
Afrika NyornuCommunity DevelopmentNationalGa WestGreater AccraTo contribute to its quota towards community development projects and initiators7/19/20247/18/2025
Nana Sarpong Unity FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalEjisu MunicipalAshantiHelp the needy7/26/20247/25/2025
Capacity Enhancement And Community SupportUpper WestNationalWa MunicipalityUpper WestTo promote entreprenuership, alleviate poverty and advocate for vulnerable people7/26/20247/25/2025
Ellis Mothers Hope FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropoilitanGreater AccraOutreach7/26/20247/25/2025
Africans Transformational ProjectHumanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo equip people of the African descent with the requisite skills to be unique and competitive in terms of business and jobs7/26/20247/25/2025
Orphan Starline FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiOrganic Farming7/26/20247/25/2025
Before The Final Rest Aged HomeHumanitarian BasedNationalAsuogyamahEasternImproving the lives of the elderly population7/26/20247/25/2025
Virtuous Vision Ladies FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalSekondi TakoradiCentralTo enhance the dignity and social wellbeing of widows through advocacy, education, vocational training and development programs7/26/20247/25/2025
Yen Di Ghana Aduane FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalDodowaGreater AccraTo educate Ghanaians about the need to eat local dishes.7/26/20247/25/2025
Innohub FoundationNationalGreater Accra7/26/20247/25/2025
Rand FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralCommunity medical outreach. Scholarship to the needy. Mentorship programs for young people.7/26/20247/25/2025
The Voice of the WidowHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo promote economic, social, sustainable and cultural transformation tools into educational package to alleviate the untold hardships widows experience in Ghana7/26/20247/25/2025
Prime Needs InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation and extending help and support to the needy7/26/20247/25/2025
Active Minds Reading ClubEducational BasedNationalOsu KlotteyGreater AccraTo encourage reading in basic school children.7/26/20247/25/2025
Congregation of the Holy FamilyFaith BasedNationalAshaimanGreater AccraTo win souls for christ.7/26/20247/25/2025
Ibrahim Ayew FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo promote free community needs assessment. To provide educationa programs and scholarship to needy students.7/26/20247/25/2025
Community Empowerment for Transformational DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalKassena NankanaUpper EastTo educate the general public on community health and nutrition, health education and promotion, water sanitation7/26/20247/25/2025
Center for Climate, Health and Mobility AdvocacyHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo shape the discussion on climate change and it’s relationship with health, mobility and behaviour.7/26/20247/25/2025
Safe for HerHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraGender Based saftey promotion. Advocacy for systemic change7/26/20247/25/2025
Accra Reparations ConferenceHumanitarian BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraPromoting and supporting reparations in Africa7/26/20247/25/2025
Miracle Encounter Outreach MinistriesHumanitarian BasedNationalKorle KlotteyGreater AccraTo preach the word of God to win souls for Christ. To help the needy7/26/20247/25/2025
Grassroots Rural Outreach & WelfareHumanitarian BasedNationalSagnariguNorthernProviding agricultural education and technical assistance to rural communities, providing knowledge to farmers on modern farm techniques, efficient resource management.7/26/20247/25/2025
ING Leaders FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGa CentralGreater AccraPromote inclusive and equitable education for all children in Ghana and across Africa particularly in rural and underserved areas.7/26/20247/25/2025
Ezer FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalOkaikoi SouthGreater AccraTo provide children and the youth with educational support7/26/20247/25/2025
Mercyme Anidaso InternationalHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiReducing vulnerabilites among children and families by creating resilience and safe haven7/26/20247/25/2025
International Project for Sustainable and Green AgricultureHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso CentralGreater AccraInternational Project for sustainable and green Agriculture7/26/20247/25/2025
Mapajane FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLa DadekotoponGreater AccraTraining, mentoring and couching of micro small and medium scale enterprises. Youth and women empowerment.7/26/20247/25/2025
Global Financial Access InitaitiveHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraEmpowering communities through financial education and inclusion7/26/20247/25/2025
Humanitarian DreamersHumanitarian BasedNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraTo undertake community development, health, social welfare for less privilege and human resource development7/27/20247/25/2025
Lend Helping Hand OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo provide job and skills training to the communities to support rural communities development7/27/20247/25/2025
Canyon (Africa) FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalLedzekoko KroworGreater AccraPoverty reliefs, taking care of homeless people, orphans and vulnerable children, poor women.7/27/20247/5/2025
Chriscan Dementia ServicesHumanitarian BasedNationalOkaikoi CentralGreater AccraSupport people living with dementia to leave their lives. To provide a safe therapeutic and fun day center for people living with dementia free of charge.7/26/20247/25/2025
Firefly IOEducational BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo organize S.T.E.M. workshops for students.7/26/20247/25/2025
Global Ecovillage Network – GhanaCommunity developmentNationalEjisuAshantiTo promote the development of sustainable settlement7/26/20247/25/2025
Wishing Well OrganisationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraTo alleviate the hardships of the homeless, unemployed and working poor in Ghana through provision of water, food, shelter and infrastruction.7/26/20247/25/2025
Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency OrganizationHumanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraBuild climate change resilience and provide education for local communities.7/26/20247/25/2025
International Charitable Development OrganizationCommunity developmentNationalAsokore MampongAshantiHelping the needy, orphans, widows and the society. To help build mosques, schools and boreholes for the society7/26/20247/25/2025
Behavioral Sexual and Global Health Lab – BSGH LabHealth BasedNationalGa EastGreater AccraConducting behavioral, sexual and global health research and provision of health care services to the vulnerable in society.7/26/20247/25/2025
Strategic Vision FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiProvision of health, educational and agricultural support to people in remote areas.7/26/20247/25/2025
God’s way Disability FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGA CentralGreater AccraTo help the needy and disabled in learning a trade through asket weaving and other auxiliary jobs towards a sustainable future.8/8/20248/7/2025
Youth Opportunities Network of GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAyawaso CentralGreater AccraTo promote Agriculture, To promote peace campaign, To help the poor in the society.8/8/20248/7/2025
Justy & Melvin Marvelous FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGA WestGreater AccraTo provide financial, educational and vocational support, To the needy people in the society8/8/20248/7/2025
Divine World MissionFaith Based/ EducationInternationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastTo raise effective and visionary pastors for the expansion of the gospel. To the unreachable area in the world. To empower christian leaders through training.8/8/20248/7/2025
Gibicts Center for Community & Youth DevelopmentHumanitarian BasedNationalBIRIM NORTHEasternYouth training in I.C.T, Agribusiness, Technical, Vocational training,Community development environmental advocate and commnity health child education.8/8/20248/7/2025
Herp – GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalKumasi Metropolitan assemblyAshantiTo promote conservation, protection and management of reptiles and amphibians in all its forms and their habitats. To create an up to date amphibian and reptiles inventory and identify inportant amphibian areas to help prevent habitats destruction and degradation8/8/20248/7/2025
Pronature Alliance GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAccraGreater AccraBiodiversity research and conseration planning, biodiversity conservation awareness and education,biodiversity conservation grass root support and empowerment, ago-ecosystem management8/8/20247/7/2025
JF Ithanf Firm Care FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalGA-WestGreater AccraTo provide humanitarian support and also assist the needy8/8/20248/7/2025
Ahedor Mgk FoundationHumanitarian BasedNationalNew JoabenEasternTo assist marginalized people disablilty persons,windows and widowers financialy8/8/20248/7/2025
Save Our Land ProjectsHumanitarian BasedNationalAtiwa – WestEasternAdvocacy in land management to the community. Helping the community to understand the use and development of land in the community8/8/20248/7/2025
Ilead Foundation GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalAgotime-ziopeVoltaTo increase the edcational standard of the rural communities through forming of literary clubs in schools and communities8/8/202407/08/2025
Citizens Watch-GhanaHumanitarian BasedNationalSunyani EastBonoTo initiate sustainable projects and program mes that will lead to citizens participation indecision making inlocal government. Use research ans advocacy to influence government policies and programmes that will bring about desired dev.8/8/20248/7/2025
Adehye Health and Hygiene FoundationHealthNationalGA-SouthGreater AccraHealth interventions,health advocacy,health and hygiene support8/8/20248/7/2025
Women Uplifting Women FoundationHunanitarian BasedNationalTainBonoBridging the widening gap between men and women in policies and leadership as well as supporting women,youth and the vulnerable to become vibrant enterpenuer especially in rural.8/8/20248/7/2025
Chance for Souls FoundationHunanitarian BasedNationalGA-westGreater AccraTo offer counseling where needed for recovery patients suffering from depression/trauma.Provide emotional,financial and material support to identified persons /groups inneed after recovering from mental trauma.8/8/20248/7/2025
DAR Al-Furqan Organization for DevelopmentHunanitarian BasedNationalNew Juaben NorthEasternTo develop the communities and ensure peace and tranquility.Humanitarining islamic to all mankind.8/8/20248/7/2025
Africa Centre for Environmental TransfomationHunanitarian BasedNationalAccra MetroGreater AccraEnsuring environmental sustainability8/8/20248/7/2025
Meena Breast Cancer FoundationHunanitarian BasedNationalGa SouthGreater AccraTo support breast cancer patients.To provide free breast screening exercise in the society.08/08/20248/7/2025
German Ghanaian Fellowship AssociationHunanitarian BasedNationalKwadasoAshantiTo support underpivileged people,promotion of germanand ghanaian culture,promotion of exchange programs. To help the poor and needy students.08/08/20248/7/2025
Maaltaaba Peasant Women Farmers CooperativeCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalTalensiUpper EastPromote the Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil nd Environmental Conservation.9/20/20249/19/2025
JSI Research And Training Institute, INCHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraHealth/Population and HIV/AIDS9/5/20249/4/2025
Extra Mile West AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalNkwanta SouthOtiAgriculture & Food Security9/5/20249/4/2025
Yaa Nhyira FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAwutu Senya districtCENTRALTo Help Orphans, Widows and Less Privileged Women in Society.9/5/202404/09/2025
Operation Underground Rilroad Ghana Formerly Abuse Relief CorpsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Help Victims of Physical and Sexual Abuse9/5/20249/4/2025
EKB FoundationHumanitarianNationalAccra Metropolitan AssemblyGreater AccraTo Provide Clean Water and Sanitation.9/5/20249/4/2025
Footprints Africa LimitedHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraSustainable Development Education and Poverty Relief.9/5/20249/4/2025
GHANANAND HEALTH FOUNDATION LBGHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraHealth, population and Drug Abuse9/13/20249/12/2025
African Centre For Parliamentary AffairsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema-WestGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research/PolicyD.I. 13/09/20249/12/2025
Imani: Centre for Policy educationNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth PopulationD.I. 13/09/20249/12/2025
Savana SignaturesHumanitarianNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernYouth DevelopmentD.I. 13/09/20249/12/2025
Widows & Orphans MovementHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastWomen & Chidren Affair9/13/20249/12/2025
African Widows and Disabled FoundationNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraCommunity Development9/13/20249/12/2025
Young and Lonely FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAgona west MunicipalCentralWomen and Children in Development9/13/20249/12/2025
Directaid SocietyHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/13/20249/12/2025
Touch A Life FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBosomtwe MunicipalAshantiEducation9/13/20249/12/2025
Intercultural Exhange Programmes (Ghana).HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraIntercultural Learning9/13/20249/12/2025
FRIENDS OF THE NATIONHumanitarianNationalSekondi TakoradiWestern9/13/20249/12/2025
Hope For All FoundationHumanitarianNationalTarkwa Nsuaem MunicipalWesternCommunity Development9/20/202419/09/2025
Ecological Restoration ClubHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo Educate the Public on Environmental issues.9/20/20249/19/2025
Friends of AdakluHumanitarianNationalAdaklu District AssemblyVoltaTo Give the Community the Tools they Need to Become self Sufficient.9/20/20249/19/2025
THE OR FOUNDATIONCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNATIONALAYAWASO WEST MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLYGREATER ACCRATo support the coomunities involves in second -hand clothing and waste managent9/20/20249/19/2025
Matilda Flow Inclusion FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa West MunicipalGreater AccraTo Create Job Training nd Economic Empowerment for Persons with Disability, Parents of Children with Disabilities and other Socially and Financially Vulnerable Prsons and to Advocacate for Inclusion.9/20/20249/19/2025
Rain Healthy Health CareHumanitarianNationalKetu SouthVoltaEducation and Health.9/20/20249/19/2025
SEDHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOkaikoi SouthGreater AccraProvision of Schools and Wells to Deprived Communities.9/20/20249/19/2025
Foundation For Generational ThinkersHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo Help Parental advice and family matters.9/20/20249/19/2025
Embracing Hidden Talents NetworkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAhanta WestWesternEducation9/20/20249/19/2025
CITY 2000 YOUTH ACTION INTERNATIONALYoth EmpowermentNationalTema WestGreater AccraEmpowering youth to gain self ocnfidence and ensure the setting up of social infrastructure in a clean environment and developing community initiative9/20/20249/19/2025
Ghana Italian Women AssociationHUMANITY BASEDNationalKorle Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraOrganizing Fund Raising Events to Assist Needy Children in Education.9/20/20249/19/2025
Medical Simulation Skills InstituteHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraTo Organize Training Programmes for Medical and Surgical Health Providers.9/20/20249/19/2025
Ghana Developing Communities AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernAdvocacy/Research9/20/20249/19/2025
Real Opportunities Network (FNGO)HumanitarianNationalLekmaGreater AccraHealth/Population9/20/20249/19/2025
Nana Deborah’s Safe HeavensHumanitarianNationalKwabre EastAshantiEducation9/20/20249/19/2025
African Women’s Development FundHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater Accrawomen & Children Affair9/20/20249/19/2025
Hapa FoundationCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo promote market-oriented business in clean energy in rural communities.9/20/20249/19/2025
Learning Helping LivingHumanitarianNationalAblekuma West MuncipalGreater AccraHealth9/20/20249/19/2025
Health Access NetworkHEALTH BASEDNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo promote health in Ghana by improving access to quality health care in a sustainable manner9/20/20249/19/2025
Palm Ministries of GhanaAGRICULTURE/FAITH BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralPalm oil Processing to underprivileged Communities and to teach good stewardship of finanaces and christian business ethics9/24/20249/23/2025
New Hope FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKEEACentralWomen and Children in Development9/24/20249/23/2025
Obaatanpa Women’s HospitalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAYAWASO WEST MUNICIPALGreater AccraWomen’s health center,providing compassionate, cost effective and culturally sentive care at the highest level that preserves the dignity of each women,towards optimal well-being for families thus enhancing socierty9/24/20249/23/2025
Ghana Gospel BookroomHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraYouth Development9/24/20249/23/2025
Rural Water Development Programme of Church of ChristCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalAshaiman MunicipalGreater AccraWater and Sanitation9/24/20249/23/2025
Colandef Land And Property RightsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLedzokuku Krowor MunicipalGreater AccraLand Documentation and advocacy.9/24/20249/23/2025
The Young Shall GrowWater and SanitationNationalAnlogaVoltaProvision of Water and Sanitation9/24/20249/23/2025
Ghana Society For The Protection And Care Of AnimalsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/24/20249/23/2025
SWETS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATIONNationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater Accra9/24/20249/23/2025
Global Action For Women Empowerment (GLOWA)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaHealth/Population9/18/20249/17/2025
Centre For Development InitiativesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraHuman Trafficking & HIV/AIDS9/18/20249/17/2025
VBV Ghana OrganisationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem North MunicipalEasternWater and Sanitation9/18/20249/17/2025
Ghana Integrity InitiativeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research9/18/20249/17/2025
Vision For Alternative DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Nkwantanang MunicipalGreater AccraTo Sensitize the Public on Tobacco and Alchohol control9/18/20249/17/2025
Bokemei FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/18/20249/17/2025
Global CommunitiesHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraWater & Sanitation9/18/20249/17/2025
Project MajiHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraProvision of Portable Water and Drilling of Boreholes.9/18/20249/17/2025
Peasant Farmers Association of GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso North MunicipalGreater AccraWomen & Children Affairs9/18/20249/17/2025
Westphalian ProjectHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSekyere – KumawuAshantiHealth/Population9/18/20249/17/2025
Volunteer with GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralBringing People to Assist Schools, Hospitals, Orphanages, Social Welfares and Public Health Financially.9/18/20249/17/2025
Storm AcademyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKwahu SouthEasternLiberating the Suffering and Eradication of Poverty9/18/20249/17/2025
Qatar CharityHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Dadede KotoponGreater AccraConflict Resolution9/18/20249/17/2025
JEHOVAH RAPHA FOUNDATIONNationalSuhumEasternTo encourage communities to initiate , promote and sustain developmental programmes / projects.To educ ate people on their rights,freedom and responsibilities and sensitize the vulnerable groups9/18/20249/17/2025
Karisa FoundationCOUNSELINGNationalGreater AccraCounseling services on Reproductive Health9/18/20249/17/2025
The Vibrant Village FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalWa MunicipalUpper WestWater & Sanitation9/5/20249/4/2025
Development Action AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa South MunicipalGreater AccraAgriculture and Food Security9/18/20249/17/2025
Fortitude Child Support FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo Seek Medicdal and Financial Assistanace for Government medical facilities directed towards the establishment and improvement of Neonatal Intensice Care.10/11/202410/10/2025
Children of the LightHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem SouthEasternEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Inclusion GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdabrakaGreater AccraHuman Rights10/11/202410/10/2025
Opportunity Training for Child Development formerly Opportunity Training for Early Childhood Education and DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalEffutu MunicipalGreater AccraEarly Childhood Education and Training.10/11/202410/10/2025
ACDI/VOCAHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernAgriculture10/11/202410/10/2025
Emerging Public Leaders of GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraMentoring of Future Public Sector Leaders.10/11/202410/10/2025
Human Service TrustHumanitarianNationalCape Coast Metro.CentralEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
NORSAACHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernHealth/Population10/11/202410/10/2025
Akomapa Foundation GHHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKomenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem MunicipalCentralTo Create a Support System that would continually improve the Livelihood and Standard of Living of the Aged and he Youths in the Society and to Support the Needy in the Society.10/11/202410/10/2025
Commonwealth Human Rights InitiativeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHuman Rights10/11/202410/10/2025
Northern Needy Child FoundationHUMANITY BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo Provide Assistance to Needy Children to Access quality Edudcation.10/11/202410/10/2025
Care AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Firdaus Foundation for Social ServicesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Victory International FoudnationNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraWomen & Children Affairs10/11/202410/10/2025
G & A Health and Fitness Services LimitedHEALTH BASEDNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralBody massage, sale of ofood supplements and herbs, import of health equipment , general training , hepatitis B screening and vaccination services10/11/202410/10/2025
Power of Love FoundationNationalKpone Katamanso MunicipalGreater AccraReach out to orphans ,stree and disadvantaged children who are devastated by povery , disease and neglected and need care and protection10/11/202410/10/2025
Youth Advocacy On Rights And Opportunities (YARO)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernHealth/Population10/11/202410/10/2025
Glorious DestiniesHumanitarianNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraEducation and Support for Needy Children10/11/202410/10/2025
Ghana Make A DifferenceHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGomoa East DistrictCentralWidows, Aged and Vulnerable10/11/202410/10/2025
Institute of Teacher Education and DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa South MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Services Award10/11/202410/10/2025
Missionaries of CharityHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraOffer Free Services to the Poor10/11/202410/10/2025
Honour GhanaNationalAccra Metropolitan AssemblyGreater AccraTo Organize Workshops and Cnferences to rain Leaders and Change Makers and to Consult for Government Agencies, Departments and Agencies in the area of Developing Tools for National Service.10/11/202410/10/2025
Natural Resource Governance InstituteECONOMICInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraOil, Gas and Natural Resources10/11/202410/10/2025
Rescue Mission Foundation InternationslNationalEjisuAshantiRunning of a Mission School, To Help the Less Privileged and Vulnerable in Society and to Help Orphans in tdhe Society and the World at large.10/11/202410/10/2025
Kings And Queens Care Centre For Mentally And Multiple Disabled ChildrenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOffinso South DistrictAshantiProviding clothing for Mentally Handicapped, Disabled and the Needy.25/10/202410/24/2025
Water And Sanitation For The Urban PoorHUMANITY BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraWater and Sanitation25/10/202410/24/2025
Facilitating Learning Of Women In Emerging RegionsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalwest Akim MunicipalityEasternCreating Awareness for Education.10/25/202410/24/2025
GMCKS Pranic Healing centreHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Remar Association (Ghana)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraStreet Children10/25/202410/24/2025
West And Central African Research and Education NetworkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraResearch and Education10/25/202410/24/2025
Asaasiam Vision InternationalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKwahu West MunicipalEasternYouth Development10/25/202410/24/2025
Green Africa Youth OrganizationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai osudokuGreater AccraTo Research and Provide Solutions to Pressing Environmental Issues.10/25/202410/24/2025
Defence For Children InternationalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanASHANTIWomen & Children Affairs10/25/202410/24/2025
Reputed Agriculture 4 Development FoundationAGRICULTURE / HUMANITARIANNationalEjisu MunicipalAshantiTo Educate Farmers on Climate Change and how to Producde their Producdts and to Provide Basic Needs for Farmers.10/25/202410/24/2025
SocodeviHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalACCRAGreater AccraEconomic Development Services.10/25/202410/24/2025
Firm Lifeline MinistriesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalJirapa DistrictUpper WestWomen & Children Affair10/25/202410/24/2025
JA AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAblekumaGreater AccraEntrepreneuship Training10/25/202410/24/2025
Agricultural Rural Development AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralCommunity Rural Development10/25/202410/24/2025
Infinity 970NationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraStudents and Youth Empowerment and Employment Creation.10/25/202410/24/2025
Ntiamoah FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights And Humanitarian Institute (EAHRHL)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraOrganise Training for the Preservation and Protection of Human Rights.10/25/202410/24/2025
Aurum Institute GhanaHEALTH BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo carry on and support Scientific Research and Health System Strenghtening.10/25/202410/24/2025
ActionAid GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo achieve social justice , gender equality and poverty eradication by collaborating with people living in poverty and exclusion , their communities, people’s organisations, activities and social movements10/25/202410/24/2025
Women’s DNA FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraSupport to Women Micro-Entrepreneurs with Training and Funding.10/25/202410/24/2025
Sunrise VillageHUMANITARIANNationalTalensi DistrictUpper EastEducation10/25/202410/24/2025
Foundation of Nation BuildersHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraTo make Education Free for Children of School going Age in the Rural Areas.10/25/202410/24/2025
International Centre for Enterprise And Sustainable DevelopmentCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity/Rural DevelopmentTo assist the improvement of the environemt of small and medium scale enterprise. To provide advisory services for the creation , developmet and promotion of enterpreneurship for contributing to the sustainable development10/25/202410/24/2025
West African Youth Empowerment Organisation – KokrobiteHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa SouthGreater AccraYouth in Skill Training10/25/202410/24/2025
Good Neighbors GhanaHumanitarianInternationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraUsing Participatory communication tools to facilitate information.10/25/202410/24/2025
EMPOWEREDMIND GHANAHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Campaign For Female Education (CAMFED)HUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraEducation10/4/202410/3/2025
Arise Ghana Youth FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraWorking together with Ghanaians in Developing Ghana into a First World Country.10/4/202410/3/2025
Pan –Africa Organisation For Research & Protection Of Violence On Women and ChildrenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MunicipalNorthernTo Protect Women and Children from Gender based Violence and Abuse10/4/202403/10/2025
Ghana-Korea-Germany Church Mission’HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAsuogyaman DistrictEasternCommunity Development10/4/202410/3/2025
Play-Soccer-GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralDevelop and Implement Soccer programs fpr Physical and Social Development .10/4/202403/10/2025
Casa ItaliaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem North MunicipalEasternChildren with special needs10/4/202410/3/2025
ALL AFRICANS FARMERS NETWORKAgricultureNationalShai OsudokuGREATER ACCRATo promote and adocate the cause of small-holder agriculture sector players, farmers,processors,traders,service providers and all who affect agricultural production in any way10/4/202410/3/2025
Nazareth Outreach NetworkCOUNSELINGNationalTema MunicipalGreater AccraEducation and Counseling10/4/202410/3/2025
4-H GhanaHUMANITY BASEDNationalNew Juaben southEasternYouth Development10/4/202410/3/2025
Abak Foundation GhanaNationalKumasi MetdropolitanAshantiTo Provide Support for Youth in Aid of Schools and Women Reproductive Age.10/4/202410/3/2025
Chance for ChildrenSTREET CHILDRENInternationalAblekuma Central MunicipalGreater AccraEnsure that street children are safe, educated, healthy and equipped forlife10/4/202410/3/2025
Inspiration Talks 4 WomenHuman TraffikingNationalAsokwa MunicipalAshantiCombating Human Trafficking by Education and Training.10/4/202410/3/2025
STEP BY STEP WORLDWIDE MINISTRIESChildrenNationalEJISUAshantiProvide adandond children with special needs that is home, hope and a future10/4/202410/3/2025
Ghana Poultry NetworkNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development10/4/202410/3/2025
Tama Foundation UniversalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernPlanning and Investment into the marginalized areas for Jobs and Sustainable Development10/4/202410/3/2025
Good News Child Development CenterHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalYendiNorthernNutritional Care To Children10/4/202410/3/2025
Markaz Al-BisharaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernWomen & Children Affairs04/11/202410/3/2025
Obrobibini Peace ComplexHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAhanta West MunicipalWesternCapacity Building and Livelihood Improvements thrugh practical (non formal) Educdation in Susdtainable Agriculture, Healthy Diets, Herbal Medicine11/8/202411/7/2025
Brave Aurora AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalWest MamprusiNorthernOrphans and Vulnerable Children11/8/202411/7/2025
Mabia – GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastTo Provide Women, Men and Adolecents access to quality Family Planning in Northern Ghana.11/8/202411/7/2025
Sustainable Building FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKomenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem MunicipalCentralOrganization of Seminars and Workshops for the Youth and the Communities and its Environs.11/8/202411/7/2025
Organization For Community Empowerment And Social AdvancementCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development.11/8/202411/7/2025
Green Environmental Solutions GhanaENVIRONMENTNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEmpowering communities through inovative, eco friendly solutions that protect our environment, promote renewable energy and foster a green economy11/8/202511/7/2025
Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative CenterHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSouth Dayi DistrictVoltaTo empower rural and Indigenous People.08/11/202411/7/2025
Project TenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalEffutu MunicipalCentralTo Advance Social Action Improving the Life of Vulnerable Populations, Sustainable Community Development in Fields of Education.11/8/202411/7/2025
DANIEL’S YOUTH SCHOOL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONALFAITH BASEDNationalTema-WestGreater AccraTo establish the fear of God in the youth through the teaching of scriptures, to keep them away from the influence of drug addiction , teenage pregnancies -unplanned parenthood, abortion.11/8/202411/7/2025
River of Blessing FoundatiionHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalNew Juaben South MunicipalEasternTo Serve Local and Rural Commiunities by Organisaing Education Programmes, Cultdural Exchange and Socio-Econmical Programmes within the West African Sub-Region and Africa as a whole.11/15/202411/14/2025
Watborg Eye ServicesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAwutu Senya MunicipalCentralHealth/Population11/14/202511/14/2025
Ceinode GhanaHumanitarianNationalAccra MetroGreater AccraYouth Development11/14/202511/14/2025
Africa ICT RightICTNationalLA NKWANTANTANANGGreater AccraInformation Communication Technology (ICT)11/14/202511/14/2025
International Needs GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAblekuma North Municipal AssemblyGreater AccraHuman Rights, Education and Health11/14/202511/14/2025
Madamfo Ghana FoundationHumanitarianNationalAsokwa MunicipalAshantiEducation and Community Development11/14/202511/14/2025
SCHOOL OF DREAMSNationalNsawam AdoagyiriEastern11/14/202511/14/2025
African Institute Of Matematical Sciences (Ghana)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLedzokuku -KroworGreater AccraTrain Graduates in Mathematical Sciences11/14/202511/14/2025
Life For Relief and DevelopmentCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Development11/15/202411/14/2025
The Potters VillageHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai Osudoku DistrictGreater AccraWomen and Children in Development11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
Egyam Children’s HomeNationalAhanta WestWesternWomen & Children Affair11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
Nana Akuamoah Boateng II FoundationEducationNationalBerekum MunicipalBono RegionEducation11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
IDP Foundation, IncHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa-Dade KotoponGreater AccraEncouraging and Supporting dthe Development of Innovative and Sustainable Solutions to Complex Global Issues.11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
Kae MeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraFacilitate Development Programme11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
Akwaaba Volunteers FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraFacilitate Education and Healthcare in the Community to Empowerment Women.11/22/2024Exp. 21/11/2025
Saha GlobalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu DistrictNorthernProvide Clean Water for Rural Communities.11/22/202411/21/2025
Africa Centre For Energy PolicyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa EastGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research11/22/202411/21/2025
Centre for Citizen’s EmpowermentCIVIC RIGHTNationalGa NorthGreater AccraFostering social justice and equal access to legal remedies11/22/202411/21/2025
Gold Fields Ghana FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSocio-Economic Development11/29/202428/11/2025
Northern Patriots in Research and AdvocacyHumanitarianNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper East11/29/202411/28/2025
Paf-Periyar African FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetroGreater AccraWomen Empowerment11/29/202411/28/2025
FRIENDS OF HEALTH ASSOCIATION (FOHA)HEALTH BASEDNationalSunyani MunicipalBono RegionTo mobilize and support people living with conditions such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis11/29/202411/28/2025
PureTrust FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagneruguNorthernIncrease access to levers of change that can enable community members in operational districts to achieve livelihood security and guarantee their social inclusion11/29/202411/28/2025
Juniper TreeHumanitarianNationalFumesuaAshantiEducation and Counseling11/29/202411/28/2025
Services and Advocacy for Persons With Intellectual Disability (SAPID) GhanaDISABILITIESNationalCape Coast MunicipalCentralTo promote pubic and professional awareness and the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. To advocate on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and carers to ensure appropriate legislation and programmes in place to defend their rights and provide opportuinites for development and involvement.11/29/202411/28/2025
The Women’s AllianceHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalWeija MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population11/29/202428/11/2025
Training Tomorrow’s LeadersCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernLeadership Training, Community Development and to Establish Community Health Centres, Provision of Water and other Social Amenities.11/29/202411/28/2025
Proforest Initiative AfricaHUMANITY BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection11/29/202411/28/2025
West Africa Centre For The Protection of Animal WelfareHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernTo improve the welfare of food and pet animals11/29/202428/11/2025
COALITION OF VOLUNTEERING ORGANIZATIONS GHANANationalAdabrakaGreater Accra11/29/202411/28/2025
Hopeful Way FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth/Population12/5/202404/12/2025
Regain HopePrisonersNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSpiritual Wellbeing and Empowerment, Food Nutrition and Health of Prisoneres.12/5/202412/4/2025
Kekeli Foundation GhanaNationalHo MunicipalCentralVocational Skills12/5/202412/4/2025
Kalabash AidHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGREATER ACCRAWater and Sanitation12/5/202412/4/2025
West Africa Civil Society InstituteEDUCATIONInternationalAyawaso West WuagonGreater AccraEducationD.I. 05/12/202412/4/2025
Plan International GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation12/5/202412/4/2025
Marfo Children’s Care FoundationEDUCATIONNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo develop chritian values as well as spiritual and emotional growth and academic12/5/202412/4/2025
Vansel FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo Work for the Social Development of Underprivileged Individuals, Groups and Communities.12/5/202412/4/2025
Jesus Kids Garden of HopeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Develop and Produce appropriate Sunday School Materials for use12/5/202412/4/2025
Happiness Charity FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOffinso NorthAshantiTaking Care of the needy but brilliant children.12/5/202412/4/2025
Health And Work Environment AgencyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraTo support the workforce of particularly, the vulnerable working under precarious conditions like waste collectors, street traders and also the youth both in and out of school12/5/202412/4/2025
Volta Educational Renaissance FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSouth DayiVoltaEducation12/5/202412/4/2025
Centre For Legal Advocacy, Research Education and TrainingAdvocacyNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraPromoting legal advocacy,assistance and consultation for the vulnearble in Ghanaian society12/5/202412/4/2025
Apex Community Aid (ACAID)NationalTema West MetropolitanGreater AccraProviding Environmental Protection and HIV/AIDS Prevention.12/5/202412/4/2025
Mission Resource, GhanaHumanitarianNationalKpone Katamanso MunicipalGreater AccraTo Promote Economic Development, Job creation through establishment of Business and Training in Enterprise Creation and Management.12/5/202412/4/2025
Green for Change GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernTo Disover and Promote Effective Environmental Practices and Policies and to Alleviate Poverty through Practice and Climate Smart griculture Practices.12/5/202412/4/2025
Agyeman Eye FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Educate and Raise Funds for People in Need of Eye Care.12/5/202412/4/2025
ROBERT VOGEL MEMORIAL FOUNDATIONCBOLA DADE KOTOPONGREATER ACCRAHelp financial disadvantaged young students in la community9/25/20249/24/2025
COUNCIL OF BONO AND AHAFO ASSOCIATIONS OF NORTH AMERICAHUMANITARIAN BASEDCBOADENTAN MUNICIPALGREATER ACCRAPhilanthropy, social wellbeing, building of schols for the needy and giving schlorship to the less privileged11/22/202411/21/2025
NEW HORIZONS TO LIVE ADOPTION NOVAHUMANITARIAN BASEDINTERNATIONALHohoeVoltaTo help every child find a family if possible in their home countries through supporting children education and their family in order to prevent the abandoning of children05/09/20249/4/2025
GIVE TO LIFE CHARITY ORGANIZATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAkuapem-southEasternSupport the youth in deprived communities 0to achieve skills and education13/09/20249/12/2025
FOREVER TRUE FRIENDSHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALLa Dadekotopoon Municipal AssemblyGREATER ACCRATo support the less privileged in society9/20/20249/19/2025
ASOMDWIE BOATENG CHARITY FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKUMASI METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLYASHANTITo help the disabled and orphans in the community and to support the widows financially9/20/20249/19/2025
THE LAST GREAT HARVEST COMMISSIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALTAMALE METROPOLITANNORTHERNTo share the love of Christ through care and donations to the poor, orphans, widows, deprived and prisoners9/20/20249/19/2025
DAZ FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALATWIMA NWABIAGYAASHANTI REGIONTo empower the vulnerable & marginalized persons especially, women in society through edcation & economic empowerment9/20/20249/19/2025
WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUSHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALGOMOA EASTCENTRALSpread love care and compassin to those in need9/20/20249/19/2025
GYE NYAME MOBILE CLINICSHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKWADASOASHANTITo engage in comprehensive approach to establish paediatric surgery and psychiatry in partnership with district hospitals and mobile clinics9/18/20249/17/2025
GIVING WORLD INTERNATIONALHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAKUAPEM SOUTHEASTERNProvide support to children to develop their skills through education and religion. Support communities that needs help in terms of support and awareness children welfare and community development9/18/202417/09/2025
IMPACT WAVE INITIATIVEHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAyawaso municipalityGREATER ACCRATo change the concept and midset of today’s women.To empower the 21st cnetury young women in building themselves to their fullpotential through mentorships,workshops and physical development10/11/202410/10/2025
KHADIJA CARES FOUNDATIONWomen & GirlsNATIONALACCRA METROPOLITANGREATER ACCRASeek sustainable solution and uncovered the pervasive issue of period , poverty and the adverse environmental impact of conventional menstrual products10/11/202410/10/2025
CHRIST GLOBAL REACH FOUNDATIONFaith BasedNATIONALGa SouthGREATER ACCRATo play a part incorrecting social imbalance within the Gahanaian communities10/11/202410/10/2025
EDWARD OSEI BOAKYE TRUST FUNDHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALLA DADEKOTOPONGREATER ACCRATo undertake charitable activities and programs referred to in the last will and testament of the late Edward O. Boakye and any other such humanitarian activities10/11/202410/10/2025
GLOBAL OUTREACH CONSORTIUMHEALTHCARE BASEDNATIONALTEMA METROPOLITANGREATER ACCRATo provide highly specialized medical aid to the underpriviledge, offer patients in Africa the opportunity to access and receive quality medical care10/25/202410/24/2025
RIGHTS ACTION GHANAHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALTAMALE METROPOLITANNORTHERNTo advance and protect the rights of women, children and young people in partnership with state and like-minded organisations for sustainable, healthy and productive communities10/25/202410/24/2025
ANKUMAH FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAsikuma Odibeng BrakwaCENTRALHealth education promotion,skills development talent identification & development community development, health and safey education, training in specialized skills, organisation of networking programs10/25/202410/24/2025
EVEREST VILLAGE GROUPNATIONALGREATER ACCRARunning an orphange homeD.I. 04/10/2024EXP. 03/10/2025
BLACKSMITH INITIAITIVEHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALLA DADEKOTOPONGGREATER ACCRATo mitigate human health risks from pollution, to identify and clean up severely polluted placws focusing on sites where human health especially that of women and children is most at risk10/4/202410/3/2025
SONG-BA EMPOWERMENT CENTRENATIONALTAMALE METROPOLITANNORTHERNTo create an enabling society where women/girls can be empowered to achieve their full potential10/4/202410/3/2025
FREE AFRICA FAMILY FORMALLY FREE AFRICA FOOTBALL ACADEMYHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALNINGO PRAMPRAMGREATER ACCRATo help develop young talented football players who are underprivilege with education, professional training, food, clothing and accomodation10/4/202410/3/2025
EDENWAY FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAGONA WEST MUNICIPALCENTRALTo promote individual and community wellness through the following wellness components, spirituak, financial , social , emotional , physical, environmental,occupational and intellectual11/4/202403/11/2025
PROBITY ACTION FOUNDATION-FNGOHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKUMASI METROASHANTITo promote financial inclusion, provision of financial support, business advisery service to the poor in the society11/4/202411/3/2025
AGENT OF CHARITY FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALASOKWAASHANTIHeping orphanages and the less privilege in the society11/4/202411/3/2025
AMANI JAMII AFRICA FOUDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALTema WestGreater Accrasupport women,youth,physically challenged and others08/11/202411/7/2025
METEASE YI NA MEHIA ADOYEDISABILITYNATIONALKUMASI METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLYASHANTIProviding material,social and spiritual need of the disabled in thew society11/8/202411/7/2025
LORY CARES FORMALLY PROJECT LORY FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALSUNYANI MUNICIPALBONO REGIONTo promote the attainment of healthy and sustainable mental habits in young people so that they grow up to be responsible persons and to encourage the spport and development of vulnerable persons11/15/202411/14/2025
LIFE 3N RELIEFHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALATWIMA KWANWOMAASHANTIChurch planting,discipleship and leadership development,community development through medical missions ,agriculture and education,relief support for women and chidren at risk and communities11/15/2024EXP. 14/11/2025
FOGWEM TIKSEEMHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKASSENA -NANKANA WESTUPPER EASTTo enhance the quality of life programs and services that empower the needy and vulnerable people by providing financial assistance , free prescription drug program and other basic needs11/15/2024EXP. 14/11/2025
DIVINE COMPASSION FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAWUTU SENYA EAST MUNICIPALITYCENTRALTo advocate for the unheard, to research and monitor human right abuse, to promote sustainable development-poverty, equality, provide humanitarian aid11/22/202411/21/2025
EYE OF THE LORD HOMEHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALNsawam AdoakyiriEASTERNCaters for street children,vulnerable children,person and living with disabilities11/22/202411/21/2025
RAHMAH HOME OF HUMANITY FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAYAWASO CENTRALGREATER ACCRAHelping the less privileged in society, taking care of orphans and widows, providing free education, care etc11/22/202411/21/2025
NAA OO NAA FOUNDATIONNATIONALAblekuma North MunicipalGREATER ACCRA29/11/202411/28/2025
HiCHALENATIONALSAVANNAHEducation,health,water supply ,social support and social enterprise activities11/29/202428/11/2025
DELA GATI NEEDY SUPPORT PROJECTHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKETAVOLTA REGIONTo institute scheme that would improve on the living conditions of the underpriviledged in society especially children and women through income generating activities and donates to the needy29/11/202428/11/2025
CENTRE FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCHHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAYAWASO WESTGREATER ACCRATo motivate workforce advocates, policy makers in health, to build evidence-based research, policy development and gender in health29/11/202428/11/2025
BROGYA FOUNDATIONHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALASANTE AKIM NORTHASHANTIProviding social, emotional, physical and financial support for orphans and under privileged children29/11/202428/11/2025
ADUKROMAN FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALOKAIKWEI NORTHGREATER ACCRAHealth ,education, youth empowerment and entrepreneuship training29/11/202428/11/2025
UNITED BOOKS FOR CHILDRENHumanitarianNATIONALAccraGREATER ACCRATo promote reading and kids literacy12/5/202404/12/2025
NOÉHUMANITARIAN BASEDINTERNATIONALAYAWASO WESTGREATER ACCRAImplementaton of programmes for the conservation of endanger species. The management of protected natural areas……12/5/202412/4/2025
ECOSYSTEM THINKING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP(ECOTHINK)ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONNATIONALWA MUNICIPALITYUPPER WESTTo provide consultancy services in ecosysytem management tailored to the needs of Ghana.To engage in ecosysatem based research that contributes to conservation and natural resources .To offer specialised training programmes in ecosystem management techniques and utilisation technologies12/5/20249/4/2025
KASI INTERNATIONALHUMANITARIAN & AGRICULTURENATIONALSAGNARIGU MUNI.NORTHERNWomen Empowerment , Provide Finanacial support when need be, engage them in agricbusiness and agro processing activities, provide skills and training where applicable, digital skills and peace building12/5/20249/4/2025
BAOBAB MENTAL WELLNESS COMMUNITYHealthNATIONALNAVRONGO MUNICIPALITYUPPER EASTDedicated to suporting the Ghanaian population with mental health support and treatment options12/5/20249/4/2025
THE LORD”S FAMILY FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALASUOGAMANEASTERNTo rescue destinies through supporting, funding and providing education and trainig especially for children and youth with needs12/5/202404/09/2025
NHYIRA SWISS AFRICAHumanitarianNATIONALAdentaGREATER ACCRATo empower vulnerable and underprivileged children and young adults witrh the necessary resources to thrive/excel12/5/20249/4/2025
ISMORAB ISLAMIC SCHOOLFaith BasedNATIONALGa SouthGREATER ACCRATo provide a comprehensive educaion that integrats Islamic values,knowledge, and practices with academic subjects12/5/202404/09/2025
LOVE AND CARE CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALAblekuma SouthGREATER ACCRATo provide education and Training to underprivileged children , youth and women enabling them to acquire skills and knowledge12/5/20249/4/2025
SEED SPRING NETWORKHumanitarianNATIONALAccra MetropolitanGREATER ACCRATo render charity services9/13/20249/12/2025
UMUNNEOCHI PROGRESSIVE UNION GHANAHumanitarianNATIONALMAMPROBIGREATER ACCRATo foster and champion the interest of all members to be each other’s keeper, to promote culture , peace and love and harmony among members9/13/202412/09/2025
DOOOOOOOO GHANA LIMITEDCommunity ProjectNATIONALGA EASTGREATER ACCRANon governmental projects,building of school, building of health facility9/13/202412/09/2025
YATAA FOUNDATIONHumanitariamNATIONALTAMALE METRONORTHERNTo enhance educational opportunities, improve rural healthcare, foster environmental awareness and support women, children and less privileged livelihood9/13/20249/12/2025
SAINT BARNABAS ANGLICAN SCHOOL FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALKlottey KorleGREATER ACCRASocial Well being, Community Development and capacity building9/13/20249/12/2025
DOULOS CARE INTERNATIONALHumanitarianNATIONALAyawaso West WuogonGREATER ACCRATo achieve transformative change through identyfying communities facing significant challenges with basic amenities and untilizing technology to improve their lives9/13/20249/12/2025
SHE EMPOWERMENT GLOBALHumanitarianNATIONALKROWOR MUNICIPALITYGREATER ACCRAIncrease participation of single women inenterpreneural training enhance skills development of targeted single women provision of capital assistance to targeted single women9/13/20249/12/2025
EMPOWERED KIDS FOUNDATIONEducationalNATIONALKwabre DistrictAsHANTITo encourage and support the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms throughout Ghana9/13/20249/12/2025
REVIVAL HOUSE OF SHILOH ASSEMBLYFaith BasedNATIONALGa WestGREATER ACCRARescue the perished and hope in society through religious activities9/13/20249/12/2025
NEUROLOGY SOCIETY OF GHANAHealthNATIONALAblekuma SouthGREATER ACCRAPromote Knowledge and understanding of neurology9/13/20249/12/2025
RESTORATION OF HOPE INTERNATIONALHumanitarianNATIONALGa SouthGREATER ACCRATo support the holistic development and well-being of children,youth and older people by empowering them and their communities through targeted interventions in education health and social protection, thereby fostering resilient and thriving communities9/13/20249/12/2025
LADY MIRANDA MEMORIAL FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALAccra MetropolitanGREATER ACCRATo help children within the rural communities and improve upon their reading , writing and spelling aptitude9/13/20249/12/2025
PEADATO FOUNDATIONHumanitarianNATIONALAsokwa DistrictAshANTIProviding Access to quality education, access to quality health care and economix empowerment9/13/20249/12/2025
LIANA THERAPY CENTERHEALTHNATIONALTema WestGREATER ACCRATo provide accessible and high quality therapeutic services to support people with autism mental health issues9/13/20249/12/2025
AT-TASFIYA GHWidowsNATIONALTema MetropolitanGREATER ACCRATo provide material to widows and single mothers. To teach the youth in basic skills9/13/20249/12/2025
ADVOCATE FOR YOUTHHealthNATIONALNingo PrampramGREATER ACCRATo promote adolescent health, contribute to Ghana’s effort towards SDGs and to empower adolescents and young people9/13/20249/12/2025
AGRI-SAVANAH-AGS FOUNDATIONAGRICULTURENATIONALSAGNERIGU MUNICIPALNORTHERNTo offer workshops,training programs and resources to farmers on sustainable agriculture techniques and livestock management9/13/20249/12/2025
OKAIKWEI TEDDY SARBAH MEMORIAL FOUNDATIONAGRICULTURENATIONALGa CentralGREATER ACCRATaking care of the oyung needy children through education and livelihood. Training the unemployed in general agric and food processing. Taking care of the aged. Preservation of the natural rain forest, water bodies and wildlife9/13/20249/12/2025
Maaltaaba Peasant Women Farmers CooperativeCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalTalensiUpper EastPromote the Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil nd Environmental Conservation.9/20/20249/19/2025
JSI Research And Training Institute, INCHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraHealth/Population and HIV/AIDS9/5/20249/4/2025
Extra Mile West AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalNkwanta SouthOtiAgriculture & Food Security9/5/20249/4/2025
Yaa Nhyira FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAwutu Senya districtCENTRALTo Help Orphans, Widows and Less Privileged Women in Society.9/5/20249/4/2025
Operation Underground Rilroad Ghana Formerly Abuse Relief CorpsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo Help Victims of Physical and Sexual Abuse9/5/20249/4/2025
EKB FoundationHumanitarianNationalAccra Metropolitan AssemblyGreater AccraTo Provide Clean Water and Sanitation.9/5/20249/4/2025
Footprints Africa LimitedHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraSustainable Development Education and Poverty Relief.05/09/20249/4/2025
GHANANAND HEALTH FOUNDATION LBGHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraHealth, population and Drug Abuse9/13/20249/12/2025
African Centre For Parliamentary AffairsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema-WestGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research/Policy9/13/20249/12/2025
Imani: Centre for Policy educationNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth Population9/13/20249/12/2025
Savana SignaturesHumanitarianNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernYouth Development9/13/20249/12/2025
Widows & Orphans MovementHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastWomen & Chidren Affair9/13/20249/12/2025
African Widows and Disabled FoundationNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraCommunity Development9/13/20249/12/2025
Young and Lonely FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAgona west MunicipalCentralWomen and Children in Development9/13/20249/12/2025
Directaid SocietyHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/13/20249/12/2025
Touch A Life FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBosomtwe MunicipalAshantiEducation9/13/20249/12/2025
Intercultural Exhange Programmes (Ghana).HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraIntercultural Learning9/13/2024Exp.12/09/2025
FRIENDS OF THE NATIONHumanitarianNationalSekondi TakoradiWestern9/13/20249/12/2025
Hope For All FoundationHumanitarianNationalTarkwa Nsuaem MunicipalWesternCommunity Development9/20/20249/19/2025
Ecological Restoration ClubHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo Educate the Public on Environmental issues.9/20/20249/19/2025
Friends of AdakluHumanitarianNationalAdaklu District AssemblyVoltaTo Give the Community the Tools they Need to Become self Sufficient.9/20/20249/19/2025
THE OR FOUNDATIONCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNATIONALAYAWASO WEST MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLYGREATER ACCRATo support the coomunities involves in second -hand clothing and waste managent9/20/20249/19/2025
Matilda Flow Inclusion FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa West MunicipalGreater AccraTo Create Job Training nd Economic Empowerment for Persons with Disability, Parents of Children with Disabilities and other Socially and Financially Vulnerable Prsons and to Advocacate for Inclusion.9/20/20249/19/2025
Rain Healthy Health CareHumanitarianNationalKetu SouthVoltaEducation and Health.9/20/20249/19/2025
SEDHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOkaikoi SouthGreater AccraProvision of Schools and Wells to Deprived Communities.9/20/20249/19/2025
Foundation For Generational ThinkersHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraTo Help Parental advice and family matters.9/20/20249/19/2025
Embracing Hidden Talents NetworkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAhanta WestWesternEducation9/20/20249/19/2025
CITY 2000 YOUTH ACTION INTERNATIONALYoth EmpowermentNationalTema WestGreater AccraEmpowering youth to gain self ocnfidence and ensure the setting up of social infrastructure in a clean environment and developing community initiative9/20/20249/19/2025
Ghana Italian Women AssociationHUMANITY BASEDNationalKorle Klottey MunicipalGreater AccraOrganizing Fund Raising Events to Assist Needy Children in Education.9/20/20249/19/2025
Medical Simulation Skills InstituteHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraTo Organize Training Programmes for Medical and Surgical Health Providers.9/20/20249/19/2025
Ghana Developing Communities AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernAdvocacy/Research9/20/20249/19/2025
Real Opportunities Network (FNGO)HumanitarianNationalLekmaGreater AccraHealth/Population9/20/20249/19/2025
Nana Deborah’s Safe HeavensHumanitarianNationalKwabre EastAshantiEducation9/20/20249/19/2025
African Women’s Development FundHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater Accrawomen & Children Affair9/20/20249/19/2025
Hapa FoundationCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo promote market-oriented business in clean energy in rural communities.9/20/20249/19/2025
Learning Helping LivingHumanitarianNationalAblekuma West MuncipalGreater AccraHealth9/20/20249/19/2025
Health Access NetworkHEALTH BASEDNationalGa EastGreater AccraTo promote health in Ghana by improving access to quality health care in a sustainable manner9/20/20249/19/2025
Palm Ministries of GhanaAGRICULTURE/FAITH BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralPalm oil Processing to underprivileged Communities and to teach good stewardship of finanaces and christian business ethics9/24/20249/23/2025
New Hope FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKEEACentralWomen and Children in Development9/24/20249/23/2025
Obaatanpa Women’s HospitalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAYAWASO WEST MUNICIPALGreater AccraWomen’s health center,providing compassionate, cost effective and culturally sentive care at the highest level that preserves the dignity of each women,towards optimal well-being for families thus enhancing socierty9/24/20249/23/2025
Ghana Gospel BookroomHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraYouth Development9/24/20249/23/2025
Rural Water Development Programme of Church of ChristCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalAshaiman MunicipalGreater AccraWater and Sanitation9/24/20249/23/2025
Colandef Land And Property RightsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLedzokuku Krowor MunicipalGreater AccraLand Documentation and advocacy.9/24/20249/23/2025
The Young Shall GrowWater and SanitationNationalAnlogaVoltaProvision of Water and Sanitation9/24/20249/23/2025
Ghana Society For The Protection And Care Of AnimalsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/24/20249/23/2025
SWETS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATIONNationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater Accra9/24/20249/23/2025
Global Action For Women Empowerment (GLOWA)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaHealth/Population9/18/20249/17/2025
Centre For Development InitiativesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdenta MunicipalGreater AccraHuman Trafficking & HIV/AIDS9/18/20249/17/2025
VBV Ghana OrganisationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem North MunicipalEasternWater and Sanitation9/18/20249/17/2025
Ghana Integrity InitiativeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research9/18/20249/17/2025
Vision For Alternative DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Nkwantanang MunicipalGreater AccraTo Sensitize the Public on Tobacco and Alchohol control9/18/20249/17/2025
Bokemei FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraEducation9/18/20249/17/2025
Global CommunitiesHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraWater & Sanitation9/18/20249/17/2025
Project MajiHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraProvision of Portable Water and Drilling of Boreholes.9/18/20249/17/2025
Peasant Farmers Association of GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso North MunicipalGreater AccraWomen & Children Affairs9/18/202417/09/2025
Westphalian ProjectHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSekyere – KumawuAshantiHealth/Population9/18/202417/09/2025
Volunteer with GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralBringing People to Assist Schools, Hospitals, Orphanages, Social Welfares and Public Health Financially.9/18/20249/17/2025
Storm AcademyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKwahu SouthEasternLiberating the Suffering and Eradication of Poverty9/18/20249/17/2025
Qatar CharityHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalLa Dadede KotoponGreater AccraConflict Resolution9/18/20249/17/2025
JEHOVAH RAPHA FOUNDATIONNationalSuhumEasternTo encourage communities to initiate , promote and sustain developmental programmes / projects.To educ ate people on their rights,freedom and responsibilities and sensitize the vulnerable groups9/18/20249/17/2025
Karisa FoundationCOUNSELINGNationalGreater AccraCounseling services on Reproductive Health9/18/20249/17/2025
The Vibrant Village FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalWa MunicipalUpper WestWater & Sanitation9/5/202404/09/2025
Development Action AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa South MunicipalGreater AccraAgriculture and Food Security9/18/20249/17/2025
Fortitude Child Support FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo Seek Medicdal and Financial Assistanace for Government medical facilities directed towards the establishment and improvement of Neonatal Intensice Care.11/10/202410/10/2025
Children of the LightHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem SouthEasternEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Inclusion GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdabrakaGreater AccraHuman Rights10/11/202410/10/2025
Opportunity Training for Child Development formerly Opportunity Training for Early Childhood Education and DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalEffutu MunicipalGreater AccraEarly Childhood Education and Training.10/11/202410/10/2025
ACDI/VOCAHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernAgriculture10/11/202410/10/2025
Emerging Public Leaders of GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraMentoring of Future Public Sector Leaders.10/11/202410/10/2025
Human Service TrustHumanitarianNationalCape Coast Metro.CentralEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
NORSAACHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernHealth/Population10/11/202410/10/2025
Akomapa Foundation GHHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKomenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem MunicipalCentralTo Create a Support System that would continually improve the Livelihood and Standard of Living of the Aged and he Youths in the Society and to Support the Needy in the Society.10/11/202410/10/2025
Commonwealth Human Rights InitiativeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHuman Rights10/11/202410/10/2025
Northern Needy Child FoundationHUMANITY BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernTo Provide Assistance to Needy Children to Access quality Edudcation.10/11/202410/10/2025
Care AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Firdaus Foundation for Social ServicesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation10/11/202410/10/2025
Victory International FoudnationNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraWomen & Children Affairs10/11/202410/10/2025
G & A Health and Fitness Services LimitedHEALTH BASEDNationalAwutu Senya EastCentralBody massage, sale of ofood supplements and herbs, import of health equipment , general training , hepatitis B screening and vaccination services10/11/202410/10/2025
Power of Love FoundationNationalKpone Katamanso MunicipalGreater AccraReach out to orphans ,stree and disadvantaged children who are devastated by povery , disease and neglected and need care and protection10/11/202410/10/2025
Youth Advocacy On Rights And Opportunities (YARO)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernHealth/Population10/11/202410/10/2025
Glorious DestiniesHumanitarianNationalAblekuma WestGreater AccraEducation and Support for Needy Children10/11/202410/10/2025
Ghana Make A DifferenceHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGomoa East DistrictCentralWidows, Aged and Vulnerable10/11/202410/10/2025
Institute of Teacher Education and DevelopmentHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa South MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Services Award10/11/202410/10/2025
Missionaries of CharityHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraOffer Free Services to the Poor10/11/202410/10/2025
Honour GhanaNationalAccra Metropolitan AssemblyGreater AccraTo Organize Workshops and Cnferences to rain Leaders and Change Makers and to Consult for Government Agencies, Departments and Agencies in the area of Developing Tools for National Service.10/11/202410/10/2025
Natural Resource Governance InstituteECONOMICInternationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraOil, Gas and Natural Resources10/11/202410/10/2025
Rescue Mission Foundation InternationslNationalEjisuAshantiRunning of a Mission School, To Help the Less Privileged and Vulnerable in Society and to Help Orphans in tdhe Society and the World at large.10/11/202410/10/2025
Kings And Queens Care Centre For Mentally And Multiple Disabled ChildrenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOffinso South DistrictAshantiProviding clothing for Mentally Handicapped, Disabled and the Needy.10/25/202410/24/2025
Water And Sanitation For The Urban PoorHUMANITY BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraWater and Sanitation10/25/202410/24/2025
Facilitating Learning Of Women In Emerging RegionsHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalwest Akim MunicipalityEasternCreating Awareness for Education.10/25/202410/24/2025
GMCKS Pranic Healing centreHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Remar Association (Ghana)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraStreet Children10/25/202410/24/2025
West And Central African Research and Education NetworkHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraResearch and Education10/25/202410/24/2025
Asaasiam Vision InternationalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNATIONALKwahu West MunicipalEasternYouth Development10/25/202410/24/2025
Green Africa Youth OrganizationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai osudokuGreater AccraTo Research and Provide Solutions to Pressing Environmental Issues.10/25/202410/24/2025
Defence For Children InternationalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanASHANTIWomen & Children Affairs10/25/202410/24/2025
Reputed Agriculture 4 Development FoundationAGRICULTURE / HUMANITARIANNationalEjisu MunicipalAshantiTo Educate Farmers on Climate Change and how to Producde their Producdts and to Provide Basic Needs for Farmers.10/25/202410/24/2025
SocodeviHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalACCRAGreater AccraEconomic Development Services.10/25/202410/24/2025
Firm Lifeline MinistriesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalJirapa DistrictUpper WestWomen & Children Affair10/25/202410/24/2025
JA AfricaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAblekumaGreater AccraEntrepreneuship Training10/25/202410/24/2025
Agricultural Rural Development AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralCommunity Rural Development10/25/202410/24/2025
Infinity 970NationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraStudents and Youth Empowerment and Employment Creation.10/25/202410/24/2025
Ntiamoah FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights And Humanitarian Institute (EAHRHL)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa NkwantanangGreater AccraOrganise Training for the Preservation and Protection of Human Rights.10/25/202410/24/2025
Aurum Institute GhanaHEALTH BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo carry on and support Scientific Research and Health System Strenghtening.10/25/202410/24/2025
ActionAid GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso WestGreater AccraTo achieve social justice , gender equality and poverty eradication by collaborating with people living in poverty and exclusion , their communities, people’s organisations, activities and social movements10/25/202410/24/2025
Women’s DNA FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West MunicipalGreater AccraSupport to Women Micro-Entrepreneurs with Training and Funding.10/25/202410/24/2025
Sunrise VillageHUMANITARIANNationalTalensi DistrictUpper EastEducation10/25/202410/24/2025
Foundation of Nation BuildersHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraTo make Education Free for Children of School going Age in the Rural Areas.10/25/202410/24/2025
International Centre for Enterprise And Sustainable DevelopmentCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity/Rural DevelopmentTo assist the improvement of the environemt of small and medium scale enterprise. To provide advisory services for the creation , developmet and promotion of enterpreneurship for contributing to the sustainable development10/25/202410/24/2025
West African Youth Empowerment Organisation – KokrobiteHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa SouthGreater AccraYouth in Skill Training10/25/202410/24/2025
Good Neighbors GhanaHumanitarianInternationalLa Dade KotoponGreater AccraUsing Participatory communication tools to facilitate information.10/25/202410/24/2025
EMPOWEREDMIND GHANAHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalHo MunicipalVoltaHealth/Population10/25/202410/24/2025
Campaign For Female Education (CAMFED)HUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAdentan MunicipalGreater AccraEducation04/10/202410/3/2025
Arise Ghana Youth FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraWorking together with Ghanaians in Developing Ghana into a First World Country.10/4/202410/3/2025
Pan –Africa Organisation For Research & Protection Of Violence On Women and ChildrenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MunicipalNorthernTo Protect Women and Children from Gender based Violence and Abuse10/4/202410/3/2025
Ghana-Korea-Germany Church Mission’HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAsuogyaman DistrictEasternCommunity Development11/4/202411/3/2025
Play-Soccer-GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalCape Coast MetropolitanCentralDevelop and Implement Soccer programs fpr Physical and Social Development .11/4/202411/3/2025
Casa ItaliaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAkuapem North MunicipalEasternChildren with special needs11/4/202411/3/2025
ALL AFRICANS FARMERS NETWORKAgricultureNationalShai OsudokuGREATER ACCRATo promote and adocate the cause of small-holder agriculture sector players, farmers,processors,traders,service providers and all who affect agricultural production in any way11/4/202411/3/2025
Nazareth Outreach NetworkCOUNSELINGNationalTema MunicipalGreater AccraEducation and Counseling11/4/202411/3/2025
4-H GhanaHUMANITY BASEDNationalNew Juaben southEasternYouth Development11/4/202411/3/2025
Abak Foundation GhanaNationalKumasi MetdropolitanAshantiTo Provide Support for Youth in Aid of Schools and Women Reproductive Age.11/4/202411/3/2025
Chance for ChildrenSTREET CHILDRENInternationalAblekuma Central MunicipalGreater AccraEnsure that street children are safe, educated, healthy and equipped forlife11/4/202411/3/2025
Inspiration Talks 4 WomenHuman TraffikingNationalAsokwa MunicipalAshantiCombating Human Trafficking by Education and Training.11/4/202411/3/2025
STEP BY STEP WORLDWIDE MINISTRIESChildrenNationalEJISUAshantiProvide adandond children with special needs that is home, hope and a future11/4/202411/3/2025
Ghana Poultry NetworkNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development11/4/202411/3/2025
Tama Foundation UniversalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernPlanning and Investment into the marginalized areas for Jobs and Sustainable Development11/4/202411/3/2025
Good News Child Development CenterHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalYendiNorthernNutritional Care To Children11/4/202411/3/2025
Markaz Al-BisharaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalTamale MetropolitanNorthernWomen & Children Affairs11/4/202411/3/2025
Obrobibini Peace ComplexHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAhanta West MunicipalWesternCapacity Building and Livelihood Improvements thrugh practical (non formal) Educdation in Susdtainable Agriculture, Healthy Diets, Herbal Medicine11/4/202411/3/2025
Brave Aurora AssociationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalWest MamprusiNorthernOrphans and Vulnerable Children11/8/202411/7/2025
Mabia – GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper EastTo Provide Women, Men and Adolecents access to quality Family Planning in Northern Ghana.11/8/202411/7/2025
Sustainable Building FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKomenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem MunicipalCentralOrganization of Seminars and Workshops for the Youth and the Communities and its Environs.11/8/202411/7/2025
Organization For Community Empowerment And Social AdvancementCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalGa Central MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity/Rural Development.11/8/202411/7/2025
Green Environmental Solutions GhanaENVIRONMENTNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEmpowering communities through inovative, eco friendly solutions that protect our environment, promote renewable energy and foster a green economy11/8/202411/7/2025
Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative CenterHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSouth Dayi DistrictVoltaTo empower rural and Indigenous People.11/8/202411/7/2025
Project TenHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalEffutu MunicipalCentralTo Advance Social Action Improving the Life of Vulnerable Populations, Sustainable Community Development in Fields of Education.11/8/202411/7/2025
DANIEL’S YOUTH SCHOOL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONALFAITH BASEDNationalTema-WestGreater AccraTo establish the fear of God in the youth through the teaching of scriptures, to keep them away from the influence of drug addiction , teenage pregnancies -unplanned parenthood, abortion.11/8/202411/7/2025
River of Blessing FoundatiionHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalNew Juaben South MunicipalEasternTo Serve Local and Rural Commiunities by Organisaing Education Programmes, Cultdural Exchange and Socio-Econmical Programmes within the West African Sub-Region and Africa as a whole.11/15/202411/14/2025
Watborg Eye ServicesHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAwutu Senya MunicipalCentralHealth/Population11/15/202411/14/2025
Ceinode GhanaHumanitarianNationalAccra MetroGreater AccraYouth Development11/15/202411/14/2025
Africa ICT RightICTNationalLA NKWANTANTANANGGreater AccraInformation Communication Technology (ICT)11/15/202411/14/2025
International Needs GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAblekuma North Municipal AssemblyGreater AccraHuman Rights, Education and Health11/15/202411/14/2025
Madamfo Ghana FoundationHumanitarianNationalAsokwa MunicipalAshantiEducation and Community Development11/15/202411/14/2025
SCHOOL OF DREAMSNationalNsawam AdoagyiriEastern11/15/202411/14/2025
African Institute Of Matematical Sciences (Ghana)HUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLedzokuku -KroworGreater AccraTrain Graduates in Mathematical Sciences11/15/202411/14/2025
Life For Relief and DevelopmentCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalLa Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalGreater AccraCommunity Development11/15/202411/14/2025
The Potters VillageHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalShai Osudoku DistrictGreater AccraWomen and Children in Development11/22/202411/21/2025
Egyam Children’s HomeNationalAhanta WestWesternWomen & Children Affair11/22/202411/21/2025
Nana Akuamoah Boateng II FoundationEducationNationalBerekum MunicipalBono RegionEducation11/22/202411/21/2025
IDP Foundation, IncHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa-Dade KotoponGreater AccraEncouraging and Supporting dthe Development of Innovative and Sustainable Solutions to Complex Global Issues.11/22/202411/21/2025
Kae MeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAyawaso West WuogonGreater AccraFacilitate Development Programme11/22/202411/21/2025
Akwaaba Volunteers FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalLa Dade-Kotopon MunicipalGreater AccraFacilitate Education and Healthcare in the Community to Empowerment Women.11/22/202411/21/2025
Saha GlobalHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu DistrictNorthernProvide Clean Water for Rural Communities.11/22/202411/21/2025
Africa Centre For Energy PolicyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa EastGreater AccraAdvocacy/Research11/22/202411/21/2025
Centre for Citizen’s EmpowermentCIVIC RIGHTNationalGa NorthGreater AccraFostering social justice and equal access to legal remedies11/22/202411/21/2025
Gold Fields Ghana FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSocio-Economic Development11/29/202411/28/2025
Northern Patriots in Research and AdvocacyHumanitarianNationalBolgatanga MunicipalUpper East11/29/202411/28/2025
Paf-Periyar African FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetroGreater AccraWomen Empowerment11/29/202411/28/2025
FRIENDS OF HEALTH ASSOCIATION (FOHA)HEALTH BASEDNationalSunyani MunicipalBono RegionTo mobilize and support people living with conditions such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis11/29/202411/28/2025
PureTrust FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagneruguNorthernIncrease access to levers of change that can enable community members in operational districts to achieve livelihood security and guarantee their social inclusion11/29/202411/28/2025
Juniper TreeHumanitarianNationalFumesuaAshantiEducation and Counseling11/29/202411/28/2025
Services and Advocacy for Persons With Intellectual Disability (SAPID) GhanaDISABILITIESNationalCape Coast MunicipalCentralTo promote pubic and professional awareness and the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. To advocate on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and carers to ensure appropriate legislation and programmes in place to defend their rights and provide opportuinites for development and involvement.11/29/202411/28/2025
The Women’s AllianceHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalWeija MunicipalGreater AccraHealth/Population11/29/202411/28/2025
Training Tomorrow’s LeadersCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernLeadership Training, Community Development and to Establish Community Health Centres, Provision of Water and other Social Amenities.11/29/202411/28/2025
Proforest Initiative AfricaHUMANITY BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEnvironmental Protection11/29/202411/28/2025
West Africa Centre For The Protection of Animal WelfareHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernTo improve the welfare of food and pet animals11/29/202411/28/2025
COALITION OF VOLUNTEERING ORGANIZATIONS GHANANationalAdabrakaGreater Accra11/29/202411/28/2025
Hopeful Way FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraHealth/Population05/12/202412/4/2025
Regain HopePrisonersNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraSpiritual Wellbeing and Empowerment, Food Nutrition and Health of Prisoneres.12/5/202412/4/2025
Kekeli Foundation GhanaNationalHo MunicipalCentralVocational Skills12/5/202404/12/2025
Kalabash AidHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGREATER ACCRAWater and Sanitation05/12/202412/4/2025
West Africa Civil Society InstituteEDUCATIONInternationalAyawaso West WuagonGreater AccraEducation05/12/202412/4/2025
Plan International GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDInternationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraEducation05/12/202412/4/2025
Marfo Children’s Care FoundationEDUCATIONNationalTema MetropolitanGreater AccraTo develop chritian values as well as spiritual and emotional growth and academic05/12/202412/4/2025
Vansel FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalAdentanGreater AccraTo Work for the Social Development of Underprivileged Individuals, Groups and Communities.05/12/202412/4/2025
Jesus Kids Garden of HopeHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Develop and Produce appropriate Sunday School Materials for use05/12/202412/4/2025
Happiness Charity FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalOffinso NorthAshantiTaking Care of the needy but brilliant children.05/12/202412/4/2025
Health And Work Environment AgencyHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalGa East MunicipalGreater AccraTo support the workforce of particularly, the vulnerable working under precarious conditions like waste collectors, street traders and also the youth both in and out of school05/12/202412/4/2025
Volta Educational Renaissance FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSouth DayiVoltaEducation05/12/202412/4/2025
Centre For Legal Advocacy, Research Education and TrainingAdvocacyNationalAccra MetropolitanGreater AccraPromoting legal advocacy,assistance and consultation for the vulnearble in Ghanaian society05/12/202412/4/2025
Apex Community Aid (ACAID)NationalTema West MetropolitanGreater AccraProviding Environmental Protection and HIV/AIDS Prevention.05/12/202412/4/2025
Mission Resource, GhanaHumanitarianNationalKpone Katamanso MunicipalGreater AccraTo Promote Economic Development, Job creation through establishment of Business and Training in Enterprise Creation and Management.05/12/202412/4/2025
Green for Change GhanaHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalSagnarigu MunicipalNorthernTo Disover and Promote Effective Environmental Practices and Policies and to Alleviate Poverty through Practice and Climate Smart griculture Practices.05/12/202412/4/2025
Agyeman Eye FoundationHUMANITARIAN BASEDNationalKumasi MetropolitanAshantiTo Educate and Raise Funds for People in Need of Eye Care.05/12/202412/4/2025